Garcinia × mangostana L., Sp. Pl. 443 1753. (Syn: Mangostana garcinia Gaertn.);
Images by Aarti S.Khale (ID by Tanay Bose) and Pankaj Kumar 



Fruits & Vegetables :: Mangosteen from Sri Lanka : 030111: AK-3: Mangosteen from Sri Lanka in a fruit shop.

– Nice catch of Garcinia mangostana

– These fruits are available in plenty in the markets of Bankok and Singapore.  

The fruits are very delicious.  In Indian it is grown in some parts of Tamil Nadu.

Fruits: Garcinia mangostana L.: Garcinia mangostana L. Sp. Pl. 443 1753.

Family: Clusiaceae
Common Names: Mangosteen, Purple Mangosteen.
This is a very tasty fruit, so highly recommended. It has high medicinal properties too.

is G. gummigatta and this plant are the same?

I have tasted this fruit… very unique and interesting taste.
Have posted this fruit earlier on our group seen in Sri Lanka at the roadside fruit stalls.
Available in the market here in Muscat.
