Blumea eriantha DC., 1834.;
India (widespread, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Goa), Nepal, ?Andamans as per Catalogue of life;
. blum-EE-uh — named after Karl Ludwig von Blume, Dutch botanist er-ee-AN-thuh — wool flower … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: wool-flower blumea • Marathi: बुराडी buradi, निमुर्डी nimurdi . Flora Of Guntur District: Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah (Description with keys- bifoliata, eriantha, mollis & obliqua) .
DV :: 16 FEB 13 10:10 :: Blumea species at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary : 4 images. 7 posts by 3 authors. Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary … about 100 – 2100 ft asl
… part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park Mixed vegetation – dry deciduous, moist deciduous, semi-evergreen ID please, of Blumea species.
Date & time: 16 FEB 13 10:10AM How about Blumea eriantha DC ? Many thanks …
I am always confused with some of the Blumea species. B. eriantha, a plant with large basal leaves; not sure. Let us wait for some validating comment(s). Have posted another – similar looking flat-topped flower-head Blumea for ID query … Blumea species at Kulanggad. even to me it look like Blumea eriantha… Tungareshwar is a beautiful place for nature lovers…. with wast diversity of plants..
I dont know why this line is appearing .. part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park? Thank you very much … for the ID validation. With … and your thought, am convinced with B. eriantha.
About Tungareshwar WLS being part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park – me too was surprised to see this board during my visit last September 2012. . Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Blumea eriantha at Tungareshwar WLS :: 16 FEB 13 :: DV07 : 4 images. 3 posts by 3 authors. Blumea eriantha DC.
blum-EE-uh — named after Karl Ludwig von Blume, Dutch botanist
er-ee-AN-thuh — wool flower … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: wool-flower blumea • Marathi: बुराडी buradi, निमुर्डी nimurdi Native to: India Reference: Flora of the Presidency of Bombay at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on 16 FEB 13
Family: Asteraceae Blumea species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) It is Blumea oxydonta DC., of Asteraceae; Serratures spiny, plants densely hairy, floral heads yellow. Thank you very much … I appreciate the specific features of ID. I think close to high resolution specimens at Blumea lacera at
thank you for correcting me I think closer to Blumea oxyodonta as originally suggested by …
Looks different from images at Blumea lacera On further scrutiny, I think more closer to Blumea malcolmii rather than Blumea oxyodonta as per images, details and references in these links. ID KANNUR 13/21
1 image. Please identify this small herb from Kannur district of Kerala. 7/1/21 Blumea sp.?? Blumea oxyodonta Pl. post a high resolution image. It may turn out to be Blumea eriantha as per images and details herein. . References: