Blumea belangeriana DC., 444 1836. (Syn: Blumea metziana Sch.Bip. ex Hook.f.; Placus belangerianus (DC.) Kuntze);
. India (Western Ghats, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Nagaland) as per Catalogue of Life;
. blum-EE-uh — named after Karl Ludwig von Blume, Dutch botanist ¿ bay-lan-ger-ee-AY-nuh ? — probably named for M. Charles Bélanger
. commonly known as: Belanger’s blumea .
Stem reddish-brown, branchlets villous, mixed with gland-tipped hairs. Leaves 5-6.5 x 3-4.5 cm, sessile, elliptic or obovate, apex acute or obtuse, base attenuate, irregularly dentate, lateral nerves 6-8 pairs. Heads 7 mm across, peduncles and phyllaries villous, mixed with gland-tipped hairs; corolla yellow. Achenes ribbed, hairy along the ribs. Flowering and fruiting: November-April
Shady places along stream beds and forests margins
India and Sri Lanka
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)
Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Blumea belangeriana at Tungareshwar WLS :: 29 NOV 08 :: DV06 : 5 images. 3 posts by 2 authors. Blumea belangeriana DC.
blum-EE-uh — named after Karl Ludwig von Blume, Dutch botanist
¿ bay-lan-ger-ee-AY-nuh ? — probably named for M. Charles Bélanger commonly known as: Belanger’s blumea Endemic to: Konkan and Malabar Western Ghats (of India) References: Flowers of India • Sahyadri Database • The Flora of British India, Vol. 3 at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary between 08 and 29 NOV 08
Superb capture … lovely to see this endemic plant..
Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Blumea belangeriana at Matheran :: PKA26:: : Attachments (5). 1 post by 1 author. This small hairy herb is from Matheran Hills, Maharashtra.
Bot. name: Blumea belangeriana DC Family: Asteraceae
ID request- 20022011-PKA3: Date/Time: 19-02-2011 / 08:50AM Its Blumea belangeriana DC. Thanks … for the ID. I remember, earlier Dinesh has also posted similar plant for ID. Yes, thanks Prashant … have resurfaced the post … ANJAN21/21 Blumea(?) sp. for identification : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Blumea species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) Blumea belangeriana DC
Herb ID request – RK62 – 17-Dec-2012: Is it a kind of Hieracium? I think Blumea … please compare your plant with my photos of Blumea belangeriana (ID got from …). Thanks a lot … for the link. It does look like the same plant. To me also appears close to images at Blumea belangeriana DC., as initially suggested by … Blumea sp, possibly oxyodonta. It is erect one Then unlikely to be oxyodonta. To me appears close to images at Blumea belangeriana DC.
Blumea belangeriana :: Yeoor Hills, part of SGNP :: 29 DEC 19 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 7 images.
Yeoor Hills … part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park Date: December 29, 2019 … Altitude range: about 100 ft (30 m) to 1575 ft (480 m) asl
Blumea belangeriana DC. Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Asteraceae Unidentified-1 at Ganapatipule :: PKA6: : : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Came across this herb at Ganapatipule.
I guess right ID …
Can this plant be Gynura aurantiaca (Blume) de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle, Prodr. 6: 300. 1838. ? Does not look like and leaves are not clear. More likely to be a species of Blumea It is Blumea belangeriana DC. as per comparative images at Blumea Blumea hieraciifolia (D. Don) DC. ?? Looks different as per images at Blumea hieraciifolia I think it is Blumea belangeriana
. References: