Combretum nanum Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don , Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 219 1825.;
Common name: Dwarf Bushwillow

Id confirmation Combretum nanum: 4 high res. images.

Please check the attached images of Combretum, it seems nanum for me.
Captured from Garhwal Uttarakhand
6th June 2021

Alt. 700m approx.

Oh yes, Combretum nanum Buch-Ham. ex D.Don. This is the only species of Combretum having herbaceous habit (woody herb, often decumbent, or undershrub, 10-60 cm high). This is frequent in open grassland or as undergrowth in pine forests or deciduous forests or waste places; gregarious in burnt over areas up to 900 m altitude on the Himalayas.


Kindly help with identification of this plant photographed in Hamirpur District of H.P. in May, 2006. I had posted it on FB page ‘Indian Flora’ about two years back. No satisfactory answer/clues were
received. I have also checked ‘Flora of Himachal Pradesh’ by Choudhary and Wadhwa, which is also silent on this plant.
Plant height: Approx. 50 cm
Type: Appeared woody shrub
Leaves: 5-7 cm
Flowering: Might have flowered in March (Not seen, just approximation)

I do know if you have already identified this species or not. Since it was a new to me I needed some time to go through literature. Please check the probability of Combretum nanum Buch-Ham. Several herbarium can be viewed at KEW, one is at link, description at FoP –, pictures at FoI.

Thank you for your deep involvement in identification of this plant. ……………
I had tried this plant 1-2 years ago as was suggested by … on Indian Flora.
In this case, leaves appear so different than C. nanum. I had not seen it in flowering stage. If, it is C. nanum, it will be a new addition to the Flora of Himachal Pradesh.

Well, Sir, I must have made some grave mistake somewhere thinking Combretum nanum could be present in HP, since its distribution in FBI noted as “Himalaya Terai from Sikkim to the Punjab” and it is present in Pakistan too. However, the species has been recorded in Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary, but I don’t have any idea about the geography there.

I think this may also be Combretum nanum as per discussions at Id confirmation Combretum nanum

Yes, I agree.

Yes no doubt, it’s Combretum nanum.

Stunted, procumbent, glabrous undershrub. Leaves opposite, sometimes alternate, broadly obovate to ovate lanceolate.

Distribution; outer Himalaya, from Garhwal to Sikkim and in C.India as per Flora of Garhwal NH Himalaya by RD Gaur sir .

