Common name: Poorland Flat Sedge, Summer sedge • Kannada: Usumani hullu • Marathi: Emend • Nepali: झुसुना Jhusuna • Tamil: Kunna korai, Kottikkorai, Kottukkorai


“Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: – 01042013MR1 from Pune for ID—MR1” : Attachments (2).  6 posts by 4 authors.
kindly help Id this plant growing in between the tiles at Pune. I do not have a close up picture of the plant.

Cyperus sp. I hope

I think it is Cyperus compressus L.

identification of grass cyperus: Please help to id this grass found at Kuvempu University Campus
Shankaraghatta Shimoga district.

Date: 24 Jan 2011
alt c:2228 ft MSL

Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Cyperaceae- 05042013GS6 Cyperus for ID from Delhi-GS46 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Cyperus sp. photographed from Delhi. Pl. help in ID.

I think it is Cyperus compressus


Hooghly yesterday : seems to be Cyperus compressus L. : Attachments (10). 4 posts by 2 authors.
This one is growing in front of our school, where a small pool developed due to recent shower, a less than 1 ft. cyperus.
Last two pictures taken today (31.7.13).

efi page on Cyperus compressus

It is Cyperus compressus

Hooghly : sk-Oct-14 : Cyperus sp. : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
This is very small sedge, hardly an inch or two high, photographed today. (3.10.14)

It looks like Cyperus compressus L.


Cyperus compressus:
Cyperus compressus in FoI looks like Cyperus niveus Retz.

You are right! That’s a mistake!

Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Poaceae :030413 ARK-03 from Mumbai : 2 images. 5 post by 2 author.
Attaching photographs of Cyperus rotundus from Mumbai (Sept 2012)

Requesting tp please validate the ID of the sedge above.
A recent post of mine was identified as C. rotundus. That looks dfferent from the one above. Are these C. rotundus as well? 

Cyperus compressus..

It is Cyperus compressus L.


SK 2741 19 August 2020man : 13 posts by 2 authors. 9 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: 17 August 2020
Altitude: 1300 m
Habitat : Wild 

Cyperaceae – probably Cyperus rotundus mature spikelets

Thank you …!
Cyperus rotundus L.
Napali Names : मोथे Mothe / नगर मोथे Nagar Mothe /  कसुर  Kasur

One of FB friend from Indian Flora ID it as Cyperus compressus L., and looks close 
according to the  net images. Any further opinion please ?  

Yes it’s compressus …, as per mine,

Yes. looks more like Cyperus compressus as the spikelets are more digitate on the cluster.


Cyperus For ID : Lonavala : 040613 : AK-1 : Attachments (1).  4 posts by 3 authors.
Cyperus seen growing wild on the mountain slopes in Lonavala on 16/9/2010.

Since i do not know technicalities my process is alternative finding. First i note what species can be found in my area, thereafter some gross character like habitat, height etc. Then i try finer detail.
Flora of British India describes some 61 Cyperus, add to this figure Pycreus & Juncellus. This makes it nearly impossible.
Since … plant is from Maharashtra, first i need a “Bengal Plants” like book, thereafter other characters.

May I request you to pl. post a high res. image.

Here it is..
1 high res. images.

Can be Cyperus compressus L.


Hooghly : might be Cyperus cuspidatus H. B. & K. : Attachments (12). 4 posts by 2 authors.
The most remarkable feature of this small cyperus (1 to 2.5 inches) is its very long bracts.

I think it is Cyperus cuspidatus Kunth. and I may very well be wrong.
6 images.

Yes, Sir, I think it is most probably Cyperus cuspidatus Kunth, as in –

This one also can be Cyperus compressus L. Not C. cuspidatus which have digitately arranged spikelets. 

