SE. China to Temp. E. Asia as per WCSP;
Alabama; China Southeast; Japan; Korea; Nansei-shoto; Taiwan as per Catalogue of Life;



Flora of Mississippi, USA-009: 5 images- one of 1 Mb.
Ligustrum japonicum (Oleaceae) is one of the most common plant, naturalized in the state. Flowers pleasantly fragrant.

Very commonly planted in Kashmir also. 



Bush for ID : New Windsor,New York :23NOV17 : AK-28 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Bush with white buds seen on 24th June.

Is it some Deutzia species?

No idea. These plants are all new for me. Thanks for the suggested id. Hope to get it validated.

Does the flower have a strong perfume? The fragrance is a happy 

memory from my childhood.
It looks to be a type of Ligustrum.

Possibly L. lucidum or L. japonicum, but there are other varieties.

Thanks for the suggested id.
Unfortunately, I did not smell the flowers due to lack of time. Pictures were taken just passing by.

Ligustrum species

Appears more closer to images at Ligustrum japonicum

Requesting to please ID this plant with small white flowers captured in a cultivated garden in Los Angeles, USA in May 2013.

Seems Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae).

Thank you … for the ID…

I think more closer to Ligustrum ovalifolium as per images and details herein and as per keys at Flora of Pakistan.

This has been IDed as L. japonicum on an FB group.
Would appreciate feedback.

known as TEXAS PRIVET. flowers in june mostly in southern california

Thanks … The suggested common name on FB was Japanese or wax leaved privet.
