India: Humid wet localities, 700 – 2500 m. Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Tamil Nadu; Cosmopolitan as per BSI Flora of India;


Jan2015sk11 – Cardamine hirsuta L. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)
Sorry for poor quality pictures, but this is my first record of this species.


Hooghly-skMAY13/14 Cardamine hirsuta L. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (15)


Flora of Mississippi, USA-007: 3 images.
Cardamine hirsuta ?, an annual weed in disturbed forests. ID confirmation requested.

Yes .. Common in Himalayas also. C. flexuosa is a more common one here is spreading in Delhi also.

Oh, i have plenty of it in my garden and difficult to get rid of. But i think it tastes a bit bitter. Garlic? no, not at least from my garden.

Know about another crucifer Alliaria petiolata (syn: Sisymbrium alliaria), which has garlic taste/smell and known as garlic mustard. It has large simple leaves, and grows commonly in Western Himalayas.

yes, Alliaria petiolata (syn: Sisymbrium alliaria) germanname: Knoblauchsrauke also occurs in plenty in my garden. I know and have in my garden three garlic smelling plants in my garden. Knoblauchsrauke (Alliaria petiolata), Schnittlauch (Allium schoenoprasum) and Bärlauch (Allium ursinum). Shall upload the fotos in separate mails, now that my computer is working again.

Please help to id this herb. I think this is a Crucifer herb.
Date/Time- 24-01-2011 / 11:00 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPca. 2200asl; Ooty, TN
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- garden floor
Plant Habit-herb
Height/Length- c 5cm long
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- ca.8 x 3 cm
Inflorescence Type/ Size- 4 cm longer
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- white; c. 0.5 cm across

To me also this looks like a species of Rorippa. Otherwise, can it be a Cardamine sp.

Should think about Cardamine hirsuta

Yes Sir sure
Cardamine hirsuta

Trying to revive this thread:
Is it Cardamine hirsuta?

I think yes.


efloraofindia:”Id 05112012MR2’’ Brassicaceae Week: Cardamine hirsuta at Pune:
11-09-2012 Pune
Sharing images of Cardamine hirsuta for Brassicaceae Week
ref my previous post



What plant/ABDEC08 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)

I took this photo yesterday on my phone. This herb like plant is quite common now. Please advise.
McLeodganj, Dharamshala, HP

3 December 2014

Cardamine I hope

Thank you … Could it be Cardamine hirsuta? The attached photo shows spikes on the leaves. Or do we have to see the flowers to be certain?
1 image.

I agree with your identification and leaves resemble with Cardamine hirsuta


Can some one give references on the geographical distribution of Cardamine hirsuta in India? And any other recent studies on Cardamine hirsuta in India?
Looking forward to.

Please see page on this species in Flora of India:

Thanks. We also need to get references to some published studies on the geographical distribution in India (& elsewhere) of this plant which can be a alternative model to Arabidopsis thaliana, especially in Indian colleges & schools. Information on any which studies done on C hirsuta, in India too is welcome.
We are also looking for collaborators.

Cardamine from NER (Manipur) & from Mumbai : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

The first two pictures of Cardamine are from the North Eastern Region (Manipur) and the next two are from Mumbai.
Look at the flowers. The petals of the Manipur Cardamines are more prominent, while the that of the Mumbai one is not!
Looking for estended discussion on Cardamines of India and especially of Cardamine hirsuta.

I hope Cardamine hirsuta.

Please see these two photos and please see the flowers:
1. Cardamine flower Vinita NER is from Manipur, North East Region of India
2. Cardamine Pune is from Pune in the west of India
I will be grateful if we look at these and start identifying these.
In case we need more details we can request the concerned CUBE groups to send to us.

efi page on Cardamine hirsuta
Pl. also see comparative images at Cardamine




ID request09042018CP3 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
This is the third type of plants, similar to Cardamine, found in Delhi. These plants are smaller, flowering now (9.4.18), growing near but mostly not together with the larger leaved, prostrate ones. These too have leaves with deeply pinnately divided lamina but appear different from those in my second post, flowers with 4 petals, 6 stamens and fruit does not dehisce explosively.
Kindly identify the plant.

I find these closer to images at Cardamine hirsuta L.  as per comparative images at Cardamine




ID request 09042018CP2 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
This is another Cardamon species (?) that I found in Delhi. Flowers in last week of February, earlier than the one that I posted earlier for identification. You can see both the plants, one with flowers and other still in the vegetative phase (one in my earlier post) in the first picture. This flowering one has erect habit, deeply pinnately dissected lamina, flowers have petals, 6 stamens and fruit does not dehisce explosively.
Kindly identify the plant.

Thank you … I did check Cardamine in efloraofindia site but could not identify the species; it looks like C. hirsuta but the flowers mostly have 6 stamens and not 4.

I also find these closer to images at Cardamine hirsuta L.  as per comparative images at Cardamine
Flora of Pakistan says Stamens 6, rarely 4 (the outer 2 abortive )
Flora of North America say stamens usually 4, lateral pair often absent, rarely 5 or 6
Flora of China says Stamens 4 and lateral pair often absent, rarely 5 or 6

For ID12022020RK3-please help in identification : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Please help in identification of this. It’s a local green leafy vegetable consumed in Arunachal Pradesh.
Local name- Padh Hama
Date- 11th February, 2020
Place- Village Old Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh

Can it be some Brassicaceae member ?

Learn Tanii gives as Aji-padii Hamañ : Cardamine hirsuta

It looks like Cardamine hirsuta

Looks like Cardamine spp, Brassicaceae


Small Plants for ID : Nasik : 23JAN21 : AK-24: 2 images.
Small plants seen growing in water at a plant nursery.

Cardamine hirsuta


Plant for ID : Nasik : 24JAN21 : AK-27: 3 images.
A tiny plant growing wild in pots at a nursery.

Cardamine hirsuta ??

Yes, it’s …


SK 3370 28 March 2022: 7 very high res. images.

Location: Romford, London 
Altitude: 40m.
Date: 27 March 2022
Habit : Wild
Cardamine hirsuta L. ??

Cardamine hirsuta.. hairy bittercress.

A real pest  in UK
Can flower and produce seed when just minuscule.


Is It Cardamine Hirsuta: 4 images.

I am posting photos of a herb with a rosette of leaves which surround branched sparsely hairy stem about 5cm high. There are four stamens of equal size and fruits overtop the flowers. Kindly confirm if it is C.hirsuta L.
Photo1: Plant
Photo2: Leaf (1 small square =1mm)
Photo3: Details of flower

Photo 4: Pollen grains ( H.P. X 675)

An easy way to differentiate between C.hirsuta and C. flexuosa is to count the stamens. Since this has four equal stamens I think it should be C.hirsuta

Yes C. hirsuta, sure way of confirming is fruiting pedicels. They are erect in C. hirsuta, spreading in C. flexuosa.

Thanks for confirming the ID and for the tip on confirmation from the type of pedicels.


459 ID wild plant.: 12 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: bloomed in The HIMALAYAS at Dal Lake shore, Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir INDIA
Altitude: 5200fsl
Flower date: 12APR2023, 08.10am
Habitat: wild moisture wayside wasteland
Plant habit: small herb, erect, branches, slender weak triangular stem 02mm diameter, annual
Height: 12cm
Leaves: alternate odd pinnate to alternate, leaflets alternate, elliptic, obtuse apex, soft flexible size upto:02×1cm
Flower: terminal spike inflorescence, 04 petals, diameter:01.5mm, white, non fragrant
Fruit: lengthy cylindrical beans green into brown, size:20×1.5mm
Seed: brown upto 15 nos., pea shaped granular 

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Brassicaceae. I am not sure if it is a Cardamine.

Yes, it is Cardamine sp. dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant

Yes, it is Cardamine hirsuta dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant

