Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud., Nomencl. bot. 1:418. 1821 (Syn: Ruellia ringens L.; (=) Hygrophila angustifolia R. Br.; (=) Hygrophila quadrivalvis Buch.-Ham.; (=) Hygrophila salicifolia (Vahl) Nees; (≡) Ruellia ringens L. (basionym); (=) Ruellia salicifolia Vahl); (Ref. GRIN );
Hygrophila ringens subsp. ringens (syn: Dipteracanthus ringens (L.) Abeywickr.; Hygrophila angustifolia (Poir.) R. Br.; Hygrophila barbata Nees ex Steud.; Hygrophila ciliaris (Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.) Nees; Hygrophila dimidiata Nees; Hygrophila lancea (Thunb.) Miq.; Hygrophila malabarica Raf.; Hygrophila obovata (Roxb.) Nees; Hygrophila salicifolia (Vahl) Nees; Hygrophila stricta Hassk.; Hygrophila undulata (Vahl) Bl. (ambiguous synonym);  Hygrophila undulata (Vahl) Nees (ambiguous synonym);  Justicia lancea Thunb.; Ruellia angustifolia Poir.; Ruellia bracteata Willd. ex Nees;  Ruellia ciliaris Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Ruellia dimidiata (Nees) Nees;  Ruellia longifolia Roth; Ruellia obovata Roxb.; Ruellia ringens L.; Ruellia salicifolia Vahl; Ruellia undulata Vahl; Ruellia upudalii B. C. Vogel) as per Catalogue of Life
Hygrophila ringens var. ringens (Syn: Ruellia ringens Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 635. 1753; Dipteracanthus ringens (Linnaeus) Abeywickrama; Hygrophila angustifolia R. Brown; H. lancea (Thunberg) Miquel; H. megalantha Merrill; H.quadrivalvis (Buchanan-Hamilton) Nees; H. salicifolia (Vahl) Nees; H. salicifolia var. megalantha (Merrill) H. S. Lo & L. D. Chou; Justicia lancea Thunberg; R. quadrivalvis Buchanan-Hamilton; R. salicifolia Vahl.) as per Flora of China
hy-GRO-fill-uh — Greek: hugros (moist), philo (love), refers to affinity for moist soil … Dave’s Botanary
RIN-jens — open-mouthed, referring to a hole … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known aserect hygrophila • Kannadaನೀರ್ ಚುಳ್ಳಿ neerchulli • Malayalamനീര്‍ച്ചുള്ളി nir-schulli • Marathiधाकटा कोळसुंदा dhakta kolsunda • Sanskritइत्कट itkata • Tamilநீர்ச்சுள்ளி nir-c-culli • Teluguసాదు గొబ్బి sadu-gobbi • Tuluಮೈತಳ meitalaನೀರ್ ಚುಳ್ಳಿ neerchulli
Native to: India, Sri Lanka, Indo-China

Acanthaceae week: Hygrophila ringens: 1 post by 1 author. 1 image.
via Species‎ > ‎H‎ > Hygrophila ringens
Flowers of IndiaDiscussions at efloraofindiamore views in flickrmore views on Google Earth
commonly known aserect hygrophila • Malayalamnir-schulli • Sanskrititkata • Tamilநீர்ச்சுள்ளி nir-c-culli •Teluguచాదు గొబ్బి sadu gobbi
botanical names: current – Hygrophila ringens • synonymsH. angustifoliaH. erectaH. quadrivalvisH. salicifolia,Ruellia ringensR. salicifolia


Id please:
id please at thane creek was a small herb in muddy area near creek.

… most probably Hygrophila ringens (family Acanthaceae).

Thank you …

Images by Surajit Koley (Inserted by J.M.Garg)


Hooghly Today : Hygrophila ???:

Found this erect herb beside a rural drainage.
Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : erect, about 1 ft. high and smaller, stem hard (woody); not aromatic
Date : 08/02/2013
Place : Hooghly

This species seems to be Hygrophila ringens of FoI, the description of which can be found in FoC.
But, not sure if it is H. salicifolia Nees, or H. quadrivalvis Nees of the “Bengal Plants”, because of FoC page – http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=250096424.

This is very interesting –

According to the Flora of British India Hygrophila obovata Nees = H. dimidiata Nees = H. salicifolia var. dimidiata. —–> The problem with this id is that F. B. I. mentions its distribution in Java and Borneo!


you do have an eye that catches the unusal ….
good we get to see them thru your efforts


pink flowers from the andamans for id. mm1 22022013:
herb with pink flowers for id
havelock island, andamans
last week of december, 2013

Seems to be Hygrophila sp.

i am hoping it is Hygrophila ringens.

I agree with …

Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud (??) from Assam :  Attachments (7). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Attached images may be Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud . Please validate.
Date :15.12.2013
Location: Kamrup district
Family : Acanthaceae
Genus & species : Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud (?) 
Habitat: Grows wild besides drainage
Habit : Herb    

Yes it is Hygrophila ringens (L.) Steud.


Acanthaceae Fortnight: Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud from Assam-KD 03 Mar 2015 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments(4)
Attached images are Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud from Assam.


Acanthaceae fortnight SN07 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Spreng.(=  Hygrophila salicifolia (Vahl) Nees,)
herb from Tirunelveli dt of Tamilnadu


Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Hygrophila ringens :: Thane :: DVMAR54/65 : 1 post by 1 author. 4 images.
Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Spreng.
at Vaghbil, Thane on various dates

Hygrophila salicifolia (Vahl) Nees : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Plant name: Hygrophila salicifolia (Vahl) Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 81. 1832.
Family: Acanthaceae
Herbs, annual, 0.3-1 m tall. Stems 4-angled, rooting at lower nodes, glabrescent. Leaves opposite; sessile; lamina 4-10 × 0.8-1.5cm, linear-lanceolate, margin serrate, base attenuate, apex acute. Flowers 4-5mm across, in axillary whorls; bracts linear, bracteoles lanceolate, hispid on mid vein. Calyx lobes 5, divided half way down, lobes acute, unequal, hispid. Corolla pale purplish-blue, 2 lipped. Stamens 4, didynamous, included. G(2); stigma linear. Capsule oblong; seeds 8-12, orbicular, wooly when young.
Habitat & location: Found in moist swamps.
Medicinal Uses: Same as H.auriculata


via Species‎ > ‎H‎ > Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud. … family: Acanthaceae

Flowers of IndiaDiscussions at efloraofindiamore views in flickrmore views on Google Earth
hy-GRO-fill-uh — Greek: hugros (moist), philo (love), refers to affinity for moist soil … Dave’s Botanary
RIN-jens — open-mouthed, referring to a hole … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known aserect hygrophila • Kannadaನೀರ್ ಚುಳ್ಳಿ neerchulli • Malayalamനീര്‍ച്ചുള്ളി nir-schulli • Marathiधाकटा कोळसुंदा dhakta kolsunda • Sanskritइत्कट itkata • Tamilநீர்ச்சுள்ளி nir-c-culli • Teluguసాదు గొబ్బి sadu-gobbi • Tuluಮೈತಳ meitalaನೀರ್ ಚುಳ್ಳಿ neerchulli 
botanical namesHygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud. … synonymsHygrophila angustifolia R. Br. • Hygrophila quadrivalvis Buch.-Ham. • Hygrophila salicifolia (Vahl) Nees • Ruellia ringens L. (basionym) • Ruellia salicifolia Vahl … NPGS / GRIN 
October 18, 2009 … Vaghbil, Thane 

Nice picture … Not seen, probably distributed in your area and further south. Thanks for sharing!!

Thanks … for the appreciation.
I think these are found along the west coast, typically in marsh / swamps near mangroves. I checked now – it is also recorded from Rajasthan – thus may have affinity to swamps with salt content.

hy-GRO-fill-uh — Greek: hugros (moist), philo (love), refers to affinity for moist soil … Dave’s Botanary
RIN-jens — open-mouthed, referring to a hole … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: erect hygrophila • Kannada: ನೀರ್ ಚುಳ್ಳಿ neerchulli • Malayalam: നീർച്ചുള്ളി neerchulli, ഉപ്പുതെളി upputheli • Marathi: धाकटा कोळसुंदा dhakta kolsunda • Sanskrit: इत्कट itkata • Tamil: நீர்ச்சுள்ளி nir-c-culli • Telugu: సాదు గొబ్బి sadu-gobbi • Tulu: ಮೈತಳ meitala, ನೀರ್ ಚುಳ್ಳಿ neerchulli

botanical namesHygrophila ringens (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng. … homotypic synonymsDipteracanthus ringens (L.) Abeyw. • Ruellia ringens L. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
erect hygrophila
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ನೀರ್ ಚುಳ್ಳಿ neerchulli
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
നീർച്ചുള്ളി neerchulli
ഉപ്പുതെളി upputheli
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
धाकटा कोळसुंदा dhakta kolsunda
  • name coined, for want of name; कोळसुंदा kolsunda is a name given to Hygrophila auriculata (Schumach.) Heine … धाकटा dhakta = lesser OR smaller; smaller plant compared to Hygrophila auriculata
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
इत्कट itkata
  • WISDOM LIBRARY – the greatest source of ancient and modern knowledge
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
நீர்ச்சுள்ளி nir-c-culli
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
సాదు గొబ్బి sadu-gobbi
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಮೈತಳ meitala
ನೀರ್ ಚುಳ್ಳಿ neerchulli


Attached herewith is a plant from Bilaspur with request for I’d.
Photographed in November 2020

Close up of flower attached.

Acanthaceae ?

Yes …. Appears as Acanthaceae plant.

I think it is hygrophila balsamica

… plant is Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud. and … plant is Hygrophila phlomoides Nees as per comparative images at Hygrophila


Please check Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud. and KEY in Bengal Plants.
Attachments (1)

I guess correct ID.

I too agree with …

Herb ID from Bangladesh SM054 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2 + 1).
Acanthaceae ?

Any possibility of Hygrophila species from Acanthaceae!!

Thanks … Hygrophila schulli has thorn ? But no thorn I have seen this plant stem. See a close on plz.

Close-ups of bracteoles, calyx and details of leaf surface are needed to id any Hygrophila.
H. salicifoliaH. salicifolia var. assurgens & H. quadrivalvis are very similar looking and can be identified by details on above features.

These attached pictures (Ramana-jan_2014©_Sourav Mahmud (11)_resize.jpg and Ramana-jan_2014©_Sourav Mahmud (12)_resize.jpg) suggest that the species can be Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud.
But, as I said earlier that “Close-ups of bracteoles, calyx and details of leaf surface are needed to id any Hygrophila.”, it is difficult to confirm.

Hygrophila ringens (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng.


ID request ?: 2 images.
Habitat: near wetlands 

Habit: Herb
Date- 02/02/2021
Location- kota Rajasthan


Pl. check comparative images at Hygrophila

I think Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud. as per comparative images at Hygrophila


Id of an Acanthaceae plant: 2 high res. images.
Request for id of an Acanthaceae plant from Bilaspur. Photographed in January, 2022.

It is Hygrophila sp.

Any habit image?

This is another image of the plant which partly shows its habit.

Hygrophila ringens (L.) R.Br. ??

Yes, appears close to images at Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud.


I’d of Acanthaceae species: 2 high res. images.
Request for I’d of an Acanthacea plant from Bilaspur. Photographed in October, 2022.

Any more images,  …

I think it is close to images at Hygrophila ringens (L.) R. Br. ex Steud.

Yes … I guess the correct ID !


Hygrophila ringens (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 11, 2011 · 9:01 AM IST: 6 images.
Hygrophila ringens (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 11, 2011 · 9:01 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Hygrophila ringens (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 13, 2010 · 4:28 PM IST:
Hygrophila ringens (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 13, 2010 · 4:28 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Hygrophila ringens (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Oct 27, 2007 · JUN23 DV315: 5 images.
Hygrophila ringens (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng.
Waghbil, Thane :: Oct 27, 2007 · 2:12 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Hygrophila ringens (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Oct 18, 2009 · JUN23 DV375: 2 images.

Hygrophila ringens (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng.
Waghbil, Thane :: Oct 18, 2009 · 12:21 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist


GRIN  Catalogue of Life  Flora of Pakistan (Hygrophila quadrivalvis (Buch.-Ham.) Nees in Wallich) Annonated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal (Hygrophila salicifolia (Vahl) Nees, ; in Wall.) Flora of China (Hygrophila ringens (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Sprengel) The Plant List 1 (Hygrophila ringens (L.) Steud.- Accepted) The Plant List 2 (Hygrophila angustifolia R.Br.- Unresolved) The Plant List 3 (Hygrophila salicifolia Nees- Unresolved) The Plant List 4 (Hygrophila quadrivalvis (Buch.-Ham.) Nees- Accepted name)
Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post  Flowers of India  Globinmed  ENVIS – FRLHT