Vitex canescens Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 42(2): 101 1873. (Syn: Vitex kweichowensis C.Pei); . S. China to Tropical Asia: Assam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Laos, Myanmar, New Guinea, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam as per POWO; . A tree about 20-50 ft tall often reaching to a girth of about 6 ft. Bark grayish brown, rough, longitudinally furrowed, 1.5 cm thick, light cream inside turning brown, stem buttressed, branchlets slightly sulcate between the angles, obtusely quadrangular, slightly pubescent, nodes annulate, young parts pubescent, glabrous when mature. Leaves palmately compound with 3-5 foliolate, leaflets ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate-elliptic, middle leaflets 11-18 × 6-8 cm across, lateral leaflets 10-14 x 5-7 cm across, petiolules slender, stout, about 1-3 cm long, petiolules of the last lateral pairs shortest, base acute or obtuse, margin entire, apex acute to shallow acuminate, chartaceous, scabrid, dark green glabrous above, paler grandular, densely pubescent beneath, lateral veins 10-12 on either side of the midrib, ascending obscure, impressed above, prominent, densely pubescent on midrib beneath, reticulate veinlets, petiole stout, pubescent, about 5-12 cm long. Inflorescence supra-axillary and terminal thyrsoid panicles, above scars of fallen leaves with interrupted branches or small grey pubescent cymes, about 20-35 cm long, peduncles, slender, obtusely quadrangular, pubescent, about 3-4 cm long. Flowers bisexual, numerous, dull white, pedicels about 2-4 mm long, Calyx campanulate, obscurely 5 toothed, teeth acute, densely pubescent outside, about 3 × 3 mm across, Corolla infundibular, 5 lobed, 2-lipped, cream or dull white, upper lip 2-lobed, lobes ovate, apex acute, lower lip 3 lobed, midlobes obovate, white, apex obtuse, about 3 x 2 mm across, lateral lobes oblong acute, Corolla tube narrow, about 2 x 1.2 mm across, densely villous at throat, glabrous outside. Stamens 4, didynamous, exserted, filaments slender, filiform, about 4-5 mm long, exserted, anthers oblong, 2-celled, Ovary bicarpellary, obovoid, apex villous, 1 × 1 mm across, style slender, about 7 mm long, stigma bilobed, subulate. Fruit drupaceous, globose, about 6 mm in diameter, green, glabrous, brownish black smooth when ripe, fruiting calyx cupular, pubescent, distinctly lobed. Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Verbenaceae- Vitex canescens Kurz: Date/Time: 25/5/2011 Location: Assam Habitat: Wild Tall Tree with 3-5-foliolate leaves Now placed in family Lamiaceae .
Vitex negundo Linnaeus ?? Maybe. Yes sir it’s not Vitex negundo Is it any Vitex ? Vitex canescens Kurz ?? Yes, appears close as per images at OK .
Appears close as per images at it differs from seeing the floral arrangements and colours of the flower. I do not think so. . References: POWO Catalog of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 Flora of China India Biodiversity Portal iNaturalist A Revision of the Genus Vitex (Lamiaceae) in Thailand– PRANOM CHANTARANOTHAI- Tropical Natural History 11(2): 91-118, October 2011 |
Vitex canescens
Updated on December 24, 2024