


Juniperus squamata, 


Juniperus communis


Juniperus indica (=J. pseudosabina)


Juniperus macropoda (=J. polycarpos)

I am posting 4 images of Juniperus species from Himachal Pradesh together for the sake of easy comparison.
These are, as I have identified;
1. Juniperus squamataa spreading shrub from Kinnaur
2. Juniperus communisa spreading shrub from Kinnaur, Berries (hauber) collected for trade.
3. Juniperus indica (=J. pseudosabina), a spreading shrub from Kinnaur. Leaves used as ‘Dhoop’
4. Juniperus macropoda (=J. polycarpos) , a tree from Lahaul valley
I request for critical identification of the above species. And is there any good key based on field characters?

Wonderful & unique posting again. Thanks, … You made my day.

I think keys in Flora of Pakistan may be of some help.

Thanks … I’ll recheck the identity & nomenclature again.

The following link may be of use in this regard:
Ecological status and uses of juniper species in the cold desert environment of the Lahaul valley, North-western Himalaya, India : (2012- Juniperus polycarpos C. Koch, J. indica Bertol. and J. communis L. var. saxatilis)





Ecological status and uses of juniper species in the cold desert environment of the Lahaul valley, North-western Himalaya, India : (2012)-

Juniperus polycarpos C. Koch,

J. indica Bertol. and

J. communis L. var. saxatilis


Indigenous Drugs Of India By Chopra R N, I.C. Chopra (1956-


Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993- Distribution-
Juniperus cashmeriana (syn. Cupressus funebris var. glauca) (?),
Juniperus squamata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don,
Juniperus wallichiana Hook.f. & Thomson ex E.Brandis (syn. of Juniperus indica Bertol.)


Botanical nameSynonymsFamilyCommon name
Juniperus recurva Juniperus religiosa, Juniperus nepalensis, Juniperus butanensisCupressaceae Drooping Juniper


 2 posts by 1 author.

I have updated efi page on Juniperus

Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links.

Efloraofindia species’ page links are at the bottom of the page.

Any comments are welcome.

Thanks … for listing the Junipers at one place and putting together synonymy. I’ll once again go through my photo collection of Junipers of western Himalaya and try to fix their identity/ nomenclature..


Updated on December 24, 2024

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