Juniperus squamata

Juniperus squamata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don, Descr. Pinus 2: 17 1824. (Syn: Juniperus densa (Carrière) Gordon; Juniperus franchetiana H.Lév. ex Kom.; Juniperus recurva var. densa Carrière; Juniperus recurva var. squamata (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Parl.; Juniperus squamata var. hongxiensis Y.F.Yu & L.K.Fu; Juniperus squamata var. meyeri Rehder; Juniperus squamata var. parvifolia Y.F.Yu & L.K.Fu; Sabina recurva var. densa (Carrière) Antoine; Sabina squamata (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Antoine);
As per efi thread;
J communis: Leaves 6-12 mm long, broader, spreading, spiniscent at tip, concave above with central glaucous band, seeds 2-3
J. squamata: leaves 3-6 mm long, narrower, pointed forward, gradually narrowed to tip, margins incurved, seed single.

Juniperus squamata (Flaky Juniper or Himalayan Juniper; Chinese: 高山柏 gao shan bai) is a species of juniper native to the Himalayas and China, from northeastern Afghanistan east to western Yunnan in southwestern China, and with disjunct populations north to western Gansu and east to Fujian. It grows at 1,600-4,900 m altitude.[1][2][3][4] It represents the provincial tree of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (unofficial).
It is a coniferous evergreen shrub (rarely a small tree) reaching 2-10 m tall (rarely 15 m), with flaky brown bark, and a prostrate to irregularly conical crown. The leaves are broad needle-like, 3-9 mm long, arranged in six ranks in alternating whorls of three, and often strongly glaucous blue-green in colour. The cones are berry-like, globose to ovoid, 4-9 mm long and 4-6 mm diameter, glossy black, and contain one seed; they are mature in about 18 months. The male cones are 3-4 mm long, and shed their pollen in early spring. It is largely dioecious, with pollen and seed cones produced on separate plants, but occasionally monoecious.[1][2][3]
The Latin specific epithet squamata means small, scale-like leaves.[5]
(From Wikipedia on 16.12.13)

Gymnosperms Fortnight: Cupressaceae-Juniperus squamata from California-GS-24 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Junipersus squamata, a dwarf alpine species photographed from Apharwat mountain in Kashmir at about 3400 m alt.

Gymnosperm Fortnight: Juniperus squamata: 121213: GSG-04 :  Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors.

Juniperus squamata (??), a spreading shrub, photographed from Kinnaur.
Juniperus seems to be a complex genus. I am posting some species of Juniperus in the following mails with request for ID confirmation.

Yes, it seems to be J. squamata



SK1038 22 MAR-2018 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Location : Gyaneswor , Kathmandu, Nepal
Date : 22 March 2018
Elevation :  4500 ft.
Habit : Cultivated
Juniperus sp. ?? ID ?

Pl. check comparative images at /species/a—l/cl/cupressaceae/juniperus

Yes … it looks matching ! Nepali Name : धुपी  Dhupee


Juniperus horizontalis Moench : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) – 1 Mb each.

Location:  Godawari, Nepal
Date: 18 April 2018
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Habit: Culivated
Nepali Name : लहरे धुपी  Lahare Dhupee

I have doubts about this id, in view of the following:

I shall check with garden people!

They have confirmed it as J. horizontalis.

But it does not match with the given links.

I guess this could be between Juniperus communis var. saxatilis Pall. (Syn : Juniperus sibirica Burgsd. )
and Juniperus squamata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don

Yes. You may check the keys in local flora.

I did that but could not decide! Any member with knowledge of this field?

What are the keys?

Juniperus squamata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don.
Juniperus communis var. saxatilis 

Juniperus squamata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don ??

Yes, it appears close to Juniperus squamata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don as oer GBIF specimen- one and two.

id confirmation Juniperus squamata: 2 images.
hope you’re doing well, please check the attached images of Juniperus. it seems most probably squamata for me.
no bluish-white stomatal band, apex spinescent, upper surface white, concave, lower surface convex, margins entire, cones terminal.

Yes, it appears close to images at Juniperus squamata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don


Juniperus recurva Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don: 5 high res. images.

Location: Dhorpatan, Baglung, Nepal 
Date: 31May 2023
Elevation: 2900 m.
Habit : Wild
Nepali Name : धुपी Dhupee / भैरुँग धुपी Bhairung Dhupee

Why not

This was ID by … !

What is the difference?

I guess descriptions in the efloraNepal would be helpful.

I think it is Juniperus squamata as per keys in Flora of China and Illustrations in eFlora:

8 (7)Branchlets pendulous; leaves loosely appressed, 3-6 mm, to 10 mm in young plants, convex with longitudinal grooves at base abaxiallyJuniperus recurva
+Branchlets not pendulous; leaves spreading, ascending, or appressed, 1-10 mm, obtusely ridged with longitudinal grooves on ridge (or at base) abaxially.(9)
9 (8)Leaves closely appressed, small, 1-2 × 0.5-1.2 mm; branchlets 4- or 6-angledJuniperus chengii
+Leaves spreading or ascending, larger, 4-10 × 1-1.3 mm; branchlets not angled.(10)
10 (9)Leaves ascending, 4-6 × ca. 1 mm; branchlets loosely arranged, usually straight, longJuniperus baimashanensis
+Leaves spreading or ascending, 5-10 × 1-1.3 mm; branchlets densely arranged, straight or curved, usually short10 Juniperus squamata





The Plant List  WCSP  GRIN  Flora of Pakistan  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  Flora of China India Biodiversity Portal  Wikipedia  IUCN Red List (LC)  PFAF  Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993- Description)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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