Lycium edgeworthii Dunal in DC., Prodr. 13, 1:525. 1852. Schoenback-Temesy in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 100:38. 1972. (Syn: Lycium europeum auctt. non L.: Clarke; Lycium indicum Wight);
S. Iran to NW. India: India, Iran, Pakistan as per POWO;
Common name: Indian Box Thorn


Flora of Panipat: Lycium edgeworthii from Sodhapur Panipat:
Lycium edgeworthii from Sodhapur Panipat (220mts)
Wild on roadside area


Flora of Panipat: Lycium edgeworthii from Village Lohari : Attachments (5). 1 post by 1 author.
Lycium edgeworthii from Village Lohari

This is a very frequent shrub of our place.. bears small tubular flowers and branches with long spines..
Lycium europaeum …

Thanks, … GRIN does not give any range in India.
Is it cultivated ?

Thanks …, this is not cultivated anywhere as far as I know..
And I also think there should not be any identification issue, but better wait for experts..

Thanks, …, … has posted a similar plant as Lycium edgeworthii from Haryana.
Pl. check.

Thanks …, correct name for my posted plant should be Lycium edgeworthii ..


ID(ID-DKB147): 1 image.
Plant from Buchara Bandh Jaipur
Photo Taken on-25.6.2009

may be species fo Lycium sp. from Solanaceae family

Thanks sir, I think it is Lycium exsertum.

This appears to be Lycium edgeworthii Dunal in DC. as per images and details herein.

Wild Climber with white flowers (100409Ys1-4): 4 images.
some Lycium sp.. member of Solanaceae.

Lycium bosciifolium

keen observation has helped finding this species photograph.
Nice photographs. Will you find some extra info and post it? commonness? weed? or native? etc

Thank you Sir. I will call it uncommon. In fact, I saw it climbing on a dense shrub along the roadside.
I will keep an eye open for this and will keep the forum updated.

This appears to be Lycium edgeworthii Dunal in DC. as per images and details herein.


Identify this shrub: 2 high res. images.
Is it Lycium spp.

Where and when was it clicked?

Aravali Biodiversity park, Gurugram

Yes, appears close to images at Lycium edgeworthii Dunal in DC.
