
Cynoglossum glochidiatum Wall. ex Benth. in Royle, Illustr. Bot. Him. Mount. 306. 1836
syn: Cynoglossum wallichii G. Don
The species is distinct from closely related C. lanceolatum and C. zeylonicum in larger blue flowers 5-6 mm across, leaves ovate-lanceolate covered with bulbous based hairs and nutlets with bristles only along margin, faces nearly naked.
Photographed from Near Tapiana Sahib Gurdwara in Sialkot village near Baramulla in Kashmir

I must tell you as I looked at the third pic it reminded of the very imaginative heads of creatures drawn by makers of MEN in Black movies… complete with antenna like projections and eyes at the end of them… i could just wait to see the blue things starting to rotate and the green parts start to talk… I am weird I know, kid at heart even at my age, I like those movies… art imitating nature…


Cynoglossum glochidiatum from Kashmir:
Cynoglossum glochidiatum Wall. ex Benth. in Royle, Illustr. Bot. Him. Mount. 306. 1836 syn: Cynoglossum wallichii G. Don
The species is distinct from closely related C. lanceolatum and C. zeylonicum in larger blue flowers 5-6 mm across, leaves ovate-lanceolate covered with bulbous based hairs and nutlets with bristles only along margin, faces nearly naked.
Photographed from Near Tapiana Sahib Gurdwara in Sialkot village near Baramulla in Kashmir in July 2011

This one was shot from Dalhousie (way to Gandhi Chowk from Subhash Chowk) in November 2011, an erect herb with lanceolate, hairy leaves, bluish flowers, nutlets with peripheral bristles…
as similar plant was uploaded by …, I think this can be Cynoglossum glochidiatum, please validate…

Yes … It is C. glochidiatum.

My Pending Identifications: Chakrata- Unid Borage:: NS MARCH 28 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors.
This Boraginaceae member was shot from Chakrata area, August 2013.. please help to provide id..

I hope Cynoglossum glochidiatum.


Boraginaceae Week: Cynoglossum zeylanicum from Manali..pl validate:
Cynoglossum zeylanicum (Vahl) Thunb. ex Lehm. in Neue. Schrift. Naturf Ges. Halle 3(2):20.1817
syn: Cynoglossum furcatum Wall.
Similar to C. lanceolatum but flowers larger (5-6 mm across) and leaves covered with soft appressed hairs.
Photographed from Manali

Looks like Cynoglosum zeylanicum.

I think it should be Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum as per images herein.


Cynoglossum zeylanicum (syn: C. furcatum) from Manali : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Uploading Cynoglossum zeylanicum (syn: C. furcatum) from Manali
Photographed on 23 October, 2009

I think it should be Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum as per images herein.


My Pending Identifications: Chakrata-Cynoglossum glochidiatum:: NS MARCH 18 : 6 posts by 2 authors.
Attachments (4).
This small herb with sticky fruits was also shot from Chakrata area, inputs required for validation/correction of the id.. my submission is Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum

I hope this is Adelocaryum coelestinum instead.. realized after posting..

efi page on Adelocaryum coelestinum

Is Adelocaryum coelestinum found in Uttarakhand ? Pl. see Adelocaryum  

Does not match with images at Adelocaryum coelestinum (Lindl.) Brand

Fruits look like Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum as per images herein.


Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)

After seeing … Hackelia uncinata.. I’d say this is not
that… but it does still seem to be a contender for the Hackelia
species…. any clues sir….

This plant is different from the one originally posted & should be Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum (Wall. ex Benth.) Kazmi as per images herein.


Hackelia sp.? ABAUG2016/34 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 5 images.
These bright and deep-blue tiny flowers brighten the hillsides at higher altitudes. I photographed this one at Triund. To me it appears to be a Hackelia species. Please advise.
Triund, HP
2930m approx.
06-07 August 2016

I think matches with images of Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum (Wall. ex Benth.) Kazmi 


SK92SEP5-1016:ID : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Jomsom Nepal 22 April 2013 at 9200 ft.
Which Cynoglossum is this?

Thanks, … Pl. show us the complete plant for Id.

It was old picture and that is all I have . Sorry.

Appears close to Cynoglossum microglochin Benth. var. microglochin

By the way Cynoglossum microglochin is not listed in Nepal.

Thanks, …, for pointing out.
I further reviewed & found that it may be Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum (Wall. ex Benth.) Kazmi as per images herein.


Fwd: [efloraofindia:184998] My Pending Identifications: Chakrata:: NS MARCH 24 : 2 posts by 1 author.
This Borage was shot from Chakrata areaflowers pink-bluish.. please suggest proper id..

Hackelia sp. ??

I think it is close to images at Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum (Wall. ex Benth.) Kazmi


Cynoglossum wallichii: 2 high res. images.
Habit: Herbacious plant. 

Location: Kulgam, Jammu and kashmir.
Date of collection: 26 may 2021.

For me your ID looks correct.

Maybe Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum (Wall. ex Benth.) Kazmi as per images and details herein.
The Difference between the two varieties is based on nutlets as per Flora of China.

Yes sir… You are right…


SK 3219 11 September 2021: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Jumla, West Nepal
Altitude: 2500m.
Date: 25 August 2021 
Habit : Wild
Cynoglossum … ???


I think it looks different from images at Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & J.R.Drumm.
Appears close to images at Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum (Wall. ex Benth.) Kazmi

GBIF and CoL has been given Paracynoglossum glochidiatum (Benth.) Valdés as a new name for this sp. whereas POWO as Cynoglossum wallichii G.Don.

It should be Paracynoglossum glochidiatum (Wall. ex Benth.) Valdés and not Paracynoglossum glochidiatum (Benth.) Valdés
Govaerts, R., Nic Lughadha, E., Black, N., Turner, R. & Paton, A. (2021). The World Checklist of Vascular Plants, a continuously updated resource for exploring global plant diversity. do not accept this name. Treated as synonym of C. wallichii G Don


SK 3121 09 November 2021: 5 very high res. images.
Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1695m.
Date: 14 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Boraginaceae … ???

I think it is Cynoglossum zeylanicum (Lehm.) Brand

I guess this looks a different !

No, it is the same.
There are a lot of variations in this species.

OK, …

This looks like Cynoglossum wallichii var. glochidiatum (Wall. ex Benth.) Kazmi.

Synonym of C. wallichii G Don according to POWO

Yes, as per keys in Flora of China (Cynoglossum furcatum Wall. is a syn. of Cynoglossum zeylanicum (Sw. ex Lehm.) Thunb. ex Brand) and FoC illustration.


POWO (Cynoglossum wallichii G.Don)