Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm. f.) Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 40(479): 564 564 1926. (Syn: Ficus pyrifolia Burm.f.; Pyrus arakiana Koidz.; Pyrus asakeensis Koidz.; Pyrus autumnalis (Siebold) Koidz.; Pyrus babauttiagi Koidz.; Pyrus cuneata Koidz.; Pyrus higoensis Koidz.; Pyrus incubacea Koidz.; Pyrus kiushiana Koidz.; Pyrus kleinhofiana Koidz.; Pyrus lakuhokuensis Koidz.; Pyrus lasiogyna Koidz.; Pyrus lindleyi Rehder; Pyrus nehiyamadonis Koidz.; Pyrus pseudocalleryana Uyeki; Pyrus pseudouipongensis Uyeki; Pyrus pyrifolia var. talyschensis Gladkova; Pyrus saidaeana Koidz.; Pyrus serotina Rehder; Pyrus sinensis Lindl.; Pyrus sohayakiensis Koidz.; Pyrus tajimaensis Koidz.; Pyrus tambana Koidz.; Pyrus tobisimensis Koidz.; Pyrus togashiana Koidz.; Pyrus tsuchiyana Koidz.; Pyrus tungusiana Koidz.; Pyrus uipongensis Uyeki; Pyrus umemurana Koidz.; Pyrus uyematsuana Makino; Pyrus yohrohensis Koidz.); . S. China to Indo-China: China South-Central, China Southeast, Laos, Vietnam; Introduced into: Assam, Illinois, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Tadzhikistan, Virginia, West Virginia as per POWO; . Rosaceae Week : Roasaceae plant for id-08102011-BS-3: Pls id this tree of Rosaceae family flowers not seen, this tree was shot in Garden of NBPGR Shimla Can it be any Malus sp.? I had tasted this, was quite sour and acrid and not edible. I hope Pyrus pyrifolia, Asian pear or sand pear a very good source of soluble and insoluble fibre… Thanks …. for recipe, I will try to find out if it is available somewhere in the market, as I am sure it is never sold here in Punjab and Haryana Rosaceae Fortnight: Pyrus pyrifolia ‘Hosui’ from California-GSSEP78/78 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Pyrus pyrifolia ‘Hosui’ Relatively new pear cultivar skin turning a lovely bronze-golden-rusted color when ripe and ready to pick. The ripe skin also looks almost translucent. The fruit is medium to large in size compared to other Asian pears and almost globose in shape. Photographed from California Rosaceae Week: Pyrus pyrifolia from California: Common names: Sand pear, Chinese pear, Asian pear, Oriental pear Tall tree with ovate long-acuminate leaves, 7-12 cm long; flowers 4 cm across, white; fruit mostly apple-shaped, harder. Cultivar is juicy and larger. Photographed from California stores. Reference: Catalogue of Life Rosaceae Fortnight: Pyrus pyrifolia from California-GSSEP77/77 : 1 post by 1 author. Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm.f.) Nakai var. culta (Mak.) Nakai syn: Pyrus serotina Rehd. Common names: Sand pear, Chinese pear, Asian pear, Oriental pear Tall tree with ovate long-acuminate leaves, 7-12 cm long; flowers 4 cm across, white; fruit mostly apple-shaped, harder. Cultivar is juicy and larger. Photographed from California stores. Reference: Catalogue of Life . References: POWO Catalogue of Life Flora of China |
Pyrus pyrifolia (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024