Geranium robertianum L., Sp. Pl. 681 1753. (Syn: Geranium eriophorum H.Lév.; Geranium foetidum Gilib. [Invalid]; Geranium graveolens Stokes; Geranium inodorum G.Don [Illegitimate]; Geranium lebelii Boreau; Geranium lindleyanum Royle; Geranium mosquense Goldb.; Geranium neapolitanum A.Terracc. [Illegitimate]; Geranium palmatisectum Dulac; Geranium pedunculatum Royle [Invalid]; Geranium purpureum var. littorale Rouy; Geranium robertianum f. albiflorum House; Geranium robertianum var. albiflorum G. Don; Geranium robertianum var. eriophorum (H. Lév.) H. Lév.; Geranium robertianum var. glabrinux Petrova & Kozuharov; Geranium robertianum var. incisum A.St.-Hil.; Geranium rubellum Moench; Geranium scopulicolum Jord. ex Nyman; Robertiella robertianum Hanks (Unresolved) ; Robertium minutiflorum Fourr. (Unresolved) ; Robertium modestum Fourr. (Unresolved) ; Robertium purpureum Fourr. (Unresolved) ; Robertium semiglabrum Fourr. (Unresolved) ; Robertium simile Fourr. (Unresolved) ; Robertium vulgare Picard (Unresolved));
jer-AY-nee-um — from the Greek geranos, crane; referring to the beak-like fruit … Dave’s Botanary roh-bert-ee-AH-num — named after a Robert (there are several candidates for the honour) … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: bloodwort, crane’s bill, felonwort, fox geranium, herb robert, red robin . Native to: Europe, n Africa, Asia (w, c, e), n-w Himalaya; widely naturalized; also cultivated .
Plant for ID from Paddar valley Kishtwar J&K: 071111 SRANA 01:
Request for Identification: Date: 1st August 2011
Location: Paddar valley Kishtwar J&K.
Altitude: 2239 meters asl
GPS: 33.36 N and 76.24 E
Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb
Plant height: 1-3 feets I hope Geranium robertianum This does seem to match Geranium robertianum known as ‘Herb Robert’ in the UK where it is very common. I took some close-up images locally last year which I have added to the Geranium page I have started on my Wild Flowers of Buckinghamshire (a county in the UK) site – which I have neglected since joining this group!
Stewart recorded it in N. Pakistan and Kashmir @ 1500-2400m.
Yes, very good photographs. This does seem to match Geranium robertianum known as ‘Herb Robert’ in the UK where it is very common. I took some close-up images locally last year which I have added to the Geranium page I have started on my Wild Flowers of Buckinghamshire (a county in the UK) site – which I have neglected since joining this group!
Stewart recorded it in N. Pakistan and Kashmir @ 1500-2400m. But the petals have rounded and entire apices in the specimens I have photographed in the UK.
Vof Week: Geranium robertianum ?? along “Govindghat-Ghangaria trail”.:
Seen this herb along “Govindghat-Ghangaria trail”.. Could this be Geranium robertianum ?? (Family: Geraniaceae ) Date/Time: 07-08-2012 / 11:40AM. Yes
VOF Week: Geranium robertianum from the Trek: I had collected lot of it from Kashmir as a student. Not able to capture in my camera yet. Geranium Sp for id from way to Ghangriya
Shot around midway towards Ghangriya
id pls Most probably Geranium robertianum…. lovely set of seedpods!!! Yes Geranium robertianum This does seem to match Geranium robertianum known as ‘Herb Robert’ in the UK where it is very common. I took some close-up images locally last year which I have added to the Geranium page I have started on my Wild Flowers of Buckinghamshire (a county in the UK) site – which I have neglected since joining this group!
Stewart recorded it in N. Pakistan and Kashmir @ 1500-2400m.
Nice to see close-ups as makes the process of identifying it much easier.
Geranium robertianum L. jer-AY-nee-um — from the Greek geranos, crane; referring to the beak-like fruit … Dave’s Botanary
roh-bert-ee-AH-num — named after a Robert (there are several candidates for the honour) … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: bloodwort, crane’s bill, felonwort, fox geranium, herb robert, red robin Native to: Europe, n Africa, Asia (w, c, e), n-w Himalaya; widely naturalized; also cultivated References: Flowers of India • Wikipedia • ENVIS – FRLHT • NPGS / GRIN along Govind Ghat – Ghangaria trail on 01 AUG 12 Cute, Clean and Crisp shots! Thanks … A very distinctive species. Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: NS15: GERANIACEAE: Geranium robertianum from VOF Tour : 8 images. Yes … Very good photographs. Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week:: Geraniaceae : Geranium robertianum along “Govindghat-Ghangaria trail”- – PKA28 : 2 images. 2 posts by 2 authors. Seen this herb along “Govindghat-Ghangaria trail”.. Bot name: Geranium robertianum (Family: Geraniaceae) Date/Time: 07-08-2012 / 11:40AM.
Very beautiful small herb seen at Shakati Camp site at GHNP at an altitude of approx. 2300m. I saw this Geranium last year only near Joshimath. Readily identified with its leaves. Nice shots. I had also seen this plant during my Valley of Flower visit 2 years back.. Flowers looks very cute.. Surprisingly this species is not mentioned in “Flora of Great Himalayan National Park” (by S.K.Singh & G.S.Rawat). This does seem to match Geranium robertianum known as ‘Herb Robert’ in the UK where it is very common. I took some close-up images locally last year which I have added to the Geranium page I have started on my Wild Flowers of Buckinghamshire (a county in the UK) site – which I have neglected since joining this group!
Stewart recorded it in N. Pakistan and Kashmir @ 1500-2400m.
Good to see close-ups as makes the process of identifying it much easier.
The second one resembles Geranium robertianum recorded from VOF area… Plant for ID :: Switzerland :: EU-ARKNOV08 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
This plant was seen along the river Rhine near Zurich, CH in April 2016.
Is this Viola riviniana? Herb robert (Geranium robertianum)
Resembles Geranium robertianum… Thank you, … Yes G. robertianum, common in California Yes ! . SK 3420 22 April 2022: 5 high res. images. Geranium robertianum… common name Herb Robert. Very common weed.
Next time pull one up and smell it… it stinks. See my pics…very safe to open in Flickr. . Geranium robertianum from San Francisco Botanical Garden-GS11022023-3: 3 high res. images. Yes, appears close to images at