Syzygium gardneri Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 117 1859. (Syn: Eugenia gardneri (Thwaites) Bedd.);
S. India, Sri Lanka as per WCSP;


Large canopy tree ID: 12 images.

Isolated trees scattered in Joida forest Dandeli WLS. Habitat. We measured the girth of one huge tree and it measured 15.5ft.

Date/Time- May 2012

Location- Dandeli WLS

Habitat- Wild in semi-evergreen habitat

Plant Habit- Tree

Height/Length- over 30 meters

Leaves- Simple and glabrous

A wild guess. Syzygium species? Family: Myrtaceae.
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Looks like Syzygium gardneri of Myrtaceae family.

There are some Syzygium with leaves like those in the pictures.
Without flowers and fruits it is difficult determine. However, it may be Syzygium gardneri Thwaites.
