
07102011-BS-1 A shrub for id from Shimla: Kindly id this shrub shot from shimla (2200 mts) on 20-11-2010

it was with white flowers and leaves hairy beneath

Looks like a Viburnum species…

Yes … I also thought of Viburnum, but leaves don’t match with any Himalayan species that I know.



Shrub for identification 070612MK01: Please help me to identify this shrub. I taken these at University of Cambridge, UK on 28 March 2011. I am sending this request after seeing Balkerji’s Simla plant post at efi thread.

Are these similar plants? 

Considering the flowers :
are more like those of cockspur hawthorn…
hopefully Crataegeus cris-galli
shiny leaves … seem to match what I remember

wish I could have seen the complete outline / edge of the leaves…

The stem is hairy and the leaves are not serrated and are thick, unlike Crataegeus� cris-galli.
I think it is some sort of Schneeball (Viburnum), could it be Lorbeerbl�ttrige Schneeball (Viburnum tinus)? Wild guess.