Swertia ciliata (D. Don ex G. Don) B.L. Burtt, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 26(3): 272 272 1965. (Syn: Ophelia ciliata D. Don ex G. Don; Ophelia purpurascens Wall. ex D. Don);
Annual herb up to 90 cm tall, 4-angled; Leaves opposite, narrowly-ovate, 2-6 cm long; flowers in paniculate many-flowered infl; calyx lobes 3-5 mm long, narrowly ovate; corolla bluish-white with purple band near base above gland; gland one per lobe; filaments flattened, connate at base, staminal tube 2 mm long; capsule 8-14 mm long.


VOF Week: Swertia ciliata from Ghanghariya:
This little beauty was found near helipad in Ghanghariya..really
deserves a mention..Swertia ciliata (Gentianaceae)

VoF Week : Swertia ciliata from Ghangriya near helipad:
Swertia ciliata from Ghangriya near helipad


Swertia  Wall. from Chakrata:
This lovely looking plant was photographed from the wild on Deoban-Chakrata road in September 2011
This one is Swertia paniculata Wall. Pl. Asia. Rar. 205, 1832; Fl. Simlensis, 326; Ophelia paniculata D. Don., Philos. Mag.J. 1836; Swertia dilatata C.B. Clarke, F.B.I. 4: 122,1883.

It is not Swertia paniculata It is Swertia ciliata

Rectification of mistake, this is how one remembers for long.

This is I think Swertia paniculata Wall. Thanks to …
All the species of Swertia are a treat to eyes. This one was captured from Deoban-Chakrata road in September 2011 


Swertia -2 from Kalatope – al210911:
Another Swertia for you…
Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 2100 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 18 inches

Flower 1.2 cm across

Swertia speciosa?
I am not very sure

I hope Swertia paniculata

Agreed Sir

Now I have studied my Swertia specimens and find this to be Swertia ciliata
Swertia paniculata is different species

My Pending Identifications: Chakrata- Swertia ciliata for validation:: NS MARCH 29 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).
This Swertia was shot from Budher caves, hopefully this is Swertia ciliata
Your suggestions please..

Yes Swertia ciliata

Wow, another great pics…

Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae-Swertia ciliata (G. Don) B.L. Burtt from Chakrata-GSJUL23 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
Swertia ciliata (G. Don) B.L. Burtt in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 26:272. 1965
syn: Ophelia ciliata G. Don ; Swertia pedicellata Banerji; Swertia purpurascens Wall. ex Clarke
Annual herb up to 90 cm tall, 4-angled; Leaves opposite, narrowly-ovate, 2-6 cm long; flowers in paniculate many-flowered infl; calyx lobes 3-5 mm long, narrowly ovate; corolla bluish-white with purple band near base above gland; gland one per lobe; filaments flattened, connate at base, staminal tube 2 mm long; capsule 8-14 mm long. 
Common in Chakrata area, photographed along Budher Caves road and Deovan road in September


Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Gentianaceae-Swertia ciliata (G. Don) B.L. Burtt from Chakrata:
Swertia ciliata (G. Don) B.L. Burtt in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 26:272. 1965
syn: Ophelia ciliata G. Don ; Swertia pedicellata Banerji; Swertia purpurascens Wall. ex Clarke
Annual herb up to 90 cm tall, 4-angled; Leaves opposite, narrowly-ovate, 2-6 cm long; flowers in paniculate many-flowered infl; calyx lobes 3-5 mm long, narrowly ovate; corolla bluish-white with purple band near base above gland; gland one per lobe; filaments flattened, connate at base, staminal tube 2 mm long; capsule 8-14 mm long.
Common in Chakrata area, photographed along Budher Caves road and Deovan road in September


Swertia ciliata (G. Don) B.L. Burtt from Chakrata:
Swertia ciliata (G. Don) B.L. Burtt in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 26:272. 1965
syn: Ophelia ciliata G. Don ; Swertia pedicellata Banerji; Swertia purpurascens Wall. ex Clarke
Annual herb up to 90 cm tall, 4-angled; Leaves opposite, narrowly-ovate, 2-6 cm long; flowers in paniculate many-flowered infl; calyx lobes 3-5 mm long, narrowly ovate; corolla bluish-white with purple band near base above gland; gland one per lobe; filaments flattened, connate at base, staminal tube 2 mm long; capsule 8-14 mm long.
Common in Chakrata area, photographed along Budher Caves road and Deovan road in September

This one was recorded from Chakrata, near Budher caves..
Swertia ciliata…

Very good ones …

Swertia ciliata from Himachal [Dist. Mandi; 1600 m asl]



Swertia ciliata — en-route Shilt – GHNP – PKA83 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).

Seen this Swertia sp. en-route Shilt at GHNP at an altitude of approx. 3000m.
Bot. name: Swertia ciliata
Family: Gentianaceae

Fine pics …

Swertia paniculata? ABAUG2016/16 : 6 posts by 4 authors. 4 images.
I found two plants of this swertia, one at about 2600m another just near the top at 2850m approx. Could this be Swertia paniculata?
Swertia paniculata?
On Mcleodganj-Triund trek, HP
2600 and 2850m approx.
31 July 2016 

I think yes, nice photographs.

To me it seems to be Swertia ciliata

Thank you … for correcting me. It does look like S. ciliata.


Swertia ciliata AT MAR 2017/19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Swertia ciliata
Syn. Swerta purpurascens, Ophelia ciliata
August 2016

Swertia ciliata ATDEC2017/04 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Swertia ciliata
Hatoo, Narkanda (Shimla)
October 2017

Saw this solitary plant in the Mana village, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
IDed as Swertia ciliata based on efi pics. Kindly validate.

Yes correctly identified it’s Swertia ciliata.

Correct ID !


SK 2293 14 November 2019 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) -2, 2 & 3 mb.
Location: Chisapani, Kathmandu
Date: 01 October  2019
Elevation: 2176 m.
Habit : Wild
Swertia paniculata Wall. ?? 

Attachments (2) – 2 & 4 mb.

Attachments (2) – 3 & 4 mb.

I think this is close to Swertia ciliata and not Swertia paniculata as per comparative images at Swertia

Thank you …!
Nepali Name : कालो चिराइतो  Kaalo Chiraaito 


Swertia ciliata (D. Don ex G. Don) B. L. Burtt: 4 very high res. images.

Location: Rara, Nepal
Altitude:  2949m.
Date: 20 August 2021
Habit : Wild 


Swertia ciliata (D. Don ex G. Don) B. L. Burtt: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Rara, Nepal
Altitude:  2949m.
Date: 21 August 2021 
Habit : Wild 


