Halogeton glomeratus (M.Bieb.) Ledeb., Icon. Pl. 1: 10 1829. (Syn: Anabasis glomerata M.Bieb.; Darniella glomerata (Maire) Brullo; Salsola glomerata Stephan ex Moq. [Invalid]); .
Could this plant be “Halogeton glomeratus??” Just a wild guess… I contacted Miroslav Dvorský (Czech scientists who had worked on the “Flora of Ladakh” (http://www.butbn.cas.cz/ladakh/main_english.html). He has identified this as Halogeton glomeratus (M. B.) C. A. Mey., Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week :: PKA3 :: Halogeton glomeratus at Ladakh: .
Some more pics. The flowers were so small that it was difficult to get them in focus. Yes. beautiful images. Wow!!! Great collection!!! I also agree with id as per images at Halogeton glomeratus Yes, Halogeton glomeratus, Beautiful images. . References: |
Halogeton glomeratus
Updated on December 24, 2024