Caryophyllaceae Week: Silene himalayensis and Kashmir:
Silene himalayensis (Rohrb.) Majumdar,  J. Indian Bot. Soc. 42: 648 648 1963. 

Syn:  Melandrium apetalum var. himalayense Rohrb.;
Silene gonosperma var. himalayensis Bocquet ;
Melandrium macrorhizum (Royle ex Benth.) Walp.;
Lychnis himalayensis (Rohrb.) Edgew. & Hook. f.

Easily distinguished from similar species of Silene with inflated calyx by its glandular-pubescent stems, taller habit (20-40 cm) as compared to S. apetala (15-25 cm) narrower linear-lanceolate cauline leaves, 1-3 flowered branches, inflated calyx 8-12 mm long, contracted towards tip, pubescent with purlish-black veins slightly uniting at apex, and very small petals scarcely emerging from calyx, turgid capsule.
Photographed from Apharwat mountain slopes, alt. 3100 m in Kashmir.


Silene himalayensis from Kashmir:
Silene himalayensis (Rohrb.) Majumdar, J. Indian Bot. Soc. 42: 648 648 1963.
Syn: Melandrium apetalum var. himalayense Rohrb.; Silene gonosperma var. himalayensis Bocquet ; Melandrium macrorhizum (Royle ex Benth.) Walp.; Lychnis himalayensis (Rohrb.) Edgew. & Hook. f.
Easily distinguished from similar species of Silene with inflated calyx by its glandular-pubescent stems, taller habit (20-40 cm) as compared to S. apetala (15-25 cm) narrower linear-lanceolate cauline leaves, 1-3 flowered branches, inflated calyx 8-12 mm long, contracted towards tip, pubescent with purlish-black veins slightly uniting at apex, and very small petals scarcely emerging from calyx, turgid capsule.
Photographed from Apharwat mountain slopes, alt. 3100 m in Kashmir.

quite unique…
in the last ???? seedpod what is the inner ” green jello mound”
dont know enough about these pods…
where can I read about them?

