Silene holosteifolia

Silene holosteifolia G. Bocquet & A. O. Chater, Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 2: 55 1979.;
Nepal as per POWO;

Silene indica var. edgeworthii (Bocquet) Y.J.Nasir: 3 very high resolution images.

Location: Godawari, Lalitpur
Date: 11 March 2021
Altitude: 2500m.
Habitat : Wild
Dry sp.

I think maybe Silene nepalensis Majumdar as per FoC illustration
Leaves look quite thin.

Actually these are dried sp. from the same spot of Phulchoki have posted 2 times earlier

Still shape of the leaves are clear.

A reply from Magnus Liden ji:
“This looks like S. holosteifolia, growing more or less pendent from a cliff side. It is previously known from this area.”

Silene indica Roxb. ex Otth : 17 posts by 3 authors. 10 images- 5 to 7 mb each.
Location: Kathmandu Valley
Date:  October 2020 
Elevation: 2900m.
Habitat  : Wild

Superb upload ! Very beautiful flowers. Silene indica var.edgeworthii ??? I remember to have seen this plant long back.

Thank you … So far ID is kept as Silene indica Roxb. ex Otth only.

Looks different from Silene indica as per images herein.

Yes, appears close to Silene indica var. edgeworthii as per images and details herein.

Thank you …
Shall we keep them as separate sp. like my last years’ post ?
Silene indica var. edgeworthii (Bocquet) Y.J.Nasir

Yes, as there is substantial difference between the two. POWO even recognised it as a separate species i.e. Silene edgeworthii Bocquet. 

But GBIF, CoL and IPNI says syn of Silene indica!

A picture turned up first time I followed the link, but not when I tried again.
Anyway, I think I remember what it looked like:
It looks like S. holosteifolia (3 styles, I suppose?), possibly with a little broader leaves than is usual..
The flowers of S. edgeworthii are superficially similar to those of holosteifolia, but have 5 styles, the leaves are broader, with distinct parallel veins (in holosteifolia only midvein distinct and the inflorescence is many-flowered).
It is not known from the Kathmandu area.
Compare with the photos I sent you.
Silene indica is a very different species.

SK 2262 31 October 2019 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) – around 1 mb each.
Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur 
Date: 16 September 2019
Elevation: 2518 m.
Habit : Wild
Silene indica Roxb. ex Otth ?? or var Silene indica var. indica. ??

Thanks, …, for the beautiful images.
Both Silene indica Roxb. ex Otth or Silene indica var. indica mean the same thing.

Thank you …! By the way is the I correct ?

silene indica

Going by keys in Flora of Pakistan, it may be Silene indica var. edgeworthii as per images and details herein.
Does not matches with Silene indica (Roxb.) Roxb. ex Otth as per images and details herein.

Flora of Pakistan says Leaves 22-70 x 5-30 mm, variable in size and shape; uppermost ones smaller; middle cauline and basal leaves linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate or ovate lanceolate, …

Thank you …! I did not find a single image in the net showing linear leaf like image.

CoL GBIF POWO …, All links says S. indica is the accepted name rest syn. Please advise.

Thanks, … But keeping it separate for the time being.

This appears to be same species i.e. Silene holosteifolia as per your other post, although three styles and many flowers are not visible. Going by image nos. your posting at other post appears to be from two populations (one with many flowers and other with only few flowers, both showing 3 stamens)


Silene holosteifolia Bocquet & Chater: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal
Date: 14 September 2024
Altitude: 2518m.
Habitat: Wild




POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  GBIF (High resolution specimens) High resolution specimen  High resolution specimen 2  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal

Updated on December 23, 2024

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