Silene indica

Indian Campion;

Silene indica var. indica from near Budher caves in Chakrata: Silene indica Roxb. ex Otth, Prodr. 1: 368. 1824.. var. indica

syn: Lychnis ciliata Wall.; Lychnis indica (Roxb. ex Otth) Benth.; Lychnis nutans Benth. 
Weak spreading perennial herb, glandular sticky with broad ovate-elliptic leaves up to 8 cm long, ciliate along margin, lower petiolate, upper sessile; flowers initially nodding; calyx inflated 12-15 mm long, membranous with purplish veins, lobes obtuse; petals white, reddish outside, longer than calyx, bilobed, each lobe with additional side lobe, each petal with two coronal scales; androgynophore 2-4 mm lobes; capsule almost as long as calyx. 

Photographed from near Budher caves in Chakrata on September 18, 2011

Sharing mines also. Pls validate

Sir I am attaching some pics taken from Deovan area at a height of about 2900 mts

Looks Silene indica var. indica

But doubt is there in pattern of Corolla

pls help to fix the id

I think it is S. edgeworthii (=Silene indica var. edgeworthii)

and not Silene indica var. indica

Sir leaves and hairy nature of these plants match with your pics Silene-indica-indica–Chakrata Budher caves road-1.jpg So i id this as S indica var indica

anyway Thanks for Correction Sir

Leaves do show some variation but petals are diagnostic.

All Silene flowers seem to have a peculiar shape and they look beautiful. I am not aware of any species of Silene in our part i.e.Western ghats.

I think Silene conoidea would be there also

Silene series 4 – Pangi al050911b: I thought this one to be Silene setisperma, but I await your expert opinions..

Location Pangi
Altitude 3000 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild

I fear your plant may not be Silene setisperma, and same is also true of Flowers of India

The whole problem seems to arise from the fact that flowers of Himalayas Plate 18 has only swollen calyx and no petals visible, and it does not list Silene indica. Your plant may be Silene indica var. indica only. Silene setisperma is based on Lychnis inflata (not to be confused with Silene inflata), is a much distinct plant with rounded corolla lobes, and a plant again not reported from Pakistan (see eFl Pakistan) although Flora Himalayas mentions so.

Silene indica is very confusing plant which looks like S. setisperma. I also confused when i collected it from the way to Chor. But thanks to … and put it on the site of Flowersof India. The comments by Sir … is abosolutely correct.

Silene indica var. indica (family: Caryophyllaceae)
2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowers … about 11000 – 12000 ft

Yes …, you got some features, but you missed the most important short the front (top) view.

Silene species are unique in shape. Nature is great!

VOF Week: Silene sp -3 from VOF: Sharing photographs of another Silene sp. (Family:Caryophyllaceae).
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 02:40PM
Location: Valley Of Flowers (VOF).

Yes Silene indica var. indica

Flora of Chakrata: Silene sp. 2 for id from Budher: This Silene species was shot from Budher caves road, in September 2011, kindly id..

Silene indica var. indica 


Flora of Chakrata: Silene sp. 1 for id from Budher Caves 2011: This Silene sp. was shot from way to Budher caves in September 2011, hope to get id..

Silene indica var indica, soft leaves are very distinctive 


VOF Week: Silene sp-4 from VOF: This is yet another set of Silene sp. photographs. Requesting all to have a look.
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 01:15PM

Perhaps Silene indica var. indica

May be Silene setisperma also

This is Silene indica. Refer page 77 in book- Floral Gallery of Himalayan valley of Flowers and adjacent areas,

Thanks … for the ID. Also, your book was very useful in identifying the plants from VOF.


Caryophyllaceae Week: Silene indica var. indica:  This one was shot from Chakrata, Budher caves roadSilene indica var. indica…and later from Gobind Ghat-Ghaghariya trail during VOF tour in August 2012…

Thanks … for another well illustrated upload.

sy-LEE-nee — from saliva, meaning stickiness; or Silenus the foster father of BacchusDave’s Botanary
IN-dih-kuh or in-DEE-kuh — of or from India … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Indian campion
Native to: Himalaya (India, s Tibet)
References: Flowers of IndiaeFlora
at Valley of Flowers on 02 AUG 12


Caryophyllaceae Week: Silene indica var. indica from near Budher caves in Chakrata:  Silene indica Roxb. ex Otth, Prodr. 1: 368. 1824.. var. indica

syn: Lychnis ciliata Wall.; Lychnis indica (Roxb. ex Otth) Benth.; Lychnis nutans Benth.
Weak spreading perennial herb, glandular sticky with broad ovate-elliptic leaves up to 8 cm long, ciliate along margin, lower petiolate, upper sessile; flowers initially nodding; calyx inflated 12-15 mm long, membranous with purplish veins, lobes obtuse; petals white, reddish outside, longer than calyx, bilobed, each lobe with additional side lobe, each petal with two coronal scales; androgynophore 2-4 mm lobes; capsule almost as long as calyx.
Photographed from near Budher caves in Chakrata on September 18, 2011


Caryophyllaceae Week: : Silene indica var. indica from VOF -PKA12: This is yet another set of Silene sp. photographs.
Bot. name: Silene indica var. indica
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 01:15PM
Location: VOF.

Any front view …?


Flora of Himachal Pradesh: Silene indica var. indica from Shimla : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.

Silene indica var. indica from Shimla

Pls Validate

Looks like Silene edgeworthii

I think Silene indica var. indica

Petals are much longer and deeply cut in edgeworthii
efi thread one, two and three

Id300910ns01 : Attachments (1). 7 posts by 5 authors.
This is one more from the same trip. again, found around 12000ftasl.
in my misguided effort to get an artistic looking photograph, I missed out on capturing the leaves and other parts. Please do let me know if this is identifiable as is.

Looks like Himalayan Campion (Silene setisperma)
from the family of China Pinks.

I had initially also thought that it is a Campion as well, but the description does not match completely. I do not think the flowers are star shaped. Also the petals that are emerging seem to be fringed at the edges. Possibly it is of the same family?

I think your plant is Silene setisperma only. Recently I’ve also photographed this from Himachal Pradesh. Because of the drooping nature of the flower, fringed petals are not visible in your photo. I posted my
photographs on eFlora today with the same subject line but it is not merged with your thread. Pl check the fotos in today’s post with the same subject line of yours.

Further insight into this plant and one uploaded by … is needed in light of my observations in that thread.

It should be Silene indica as per images herein.

Id300910ns01: Attachments (6). 6 posts by 3 authors.

I think your plant is Silene setisperma only. Recently I’ve also photographed this from Himachal Pradesh. Because of the drooping nature of the flower, fringed petals are not visible in your photo. Pl find my fotos for comparison.

– Some how I am not very confident about the identification with S. setisperma. Firstly the photograph at FOI and that uploaded by … don’t look identical. One at FOI has much greener calyx and veins don’t seem merging towards apex. The one uploaded by … has paler calyx (almost cream colour) with veins clearly uniting above. Unfortunately both don’t have leaves to confirm. Fortunately your photographs are more illustrative and resemble the plant uploaded by …, but is it S. setisperma?
The name Silene setisperma was given by Majumdar for species earlier known as Lychnis inflata (Wall. ex Don) Benth. (because there was already a species by the name of Silene inflata). The plant has elliptic to lanceolate
leaves, lower petiolate.
In your plant the leaves are clearly ovate, with sessile perhaps cordate base.
Perhaps some more comparison is needed.

– Thanks for the important information regarding S. stisperma. Unfortunately, I could not find the original description of the plant anywhere and blindly followed the FOI photograph. I hope experts on the group will help in this regard.

It should be Silene indica as per images herein.

Silene sp. for ID ABAUG2016/23 : 10 posts by 3 authors. 3 images.
This plant was not very far from the iris. The opposite leaves were hairy and sessile. I am not sure which campion this is. Please advise.
Above Triund, HP
06 August 2016

Silene species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

Please check for Silene nigrescens.

I think does not match with images of Silene nigrescens as per the following:

Could it be Silene setisperma?

Does not seem to match with Isotype as well as at FOI. Though it seems close to images at Id300910ns01

It should be Silene indica as per images herein.


Silene cashmeriana? ABJUL2017/10 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (12)
I started seeing this campion from 3100m up. There are three different individuals in this post and I hope that I haven’t confused things. To me these all belong to the same species, which looking at … description should be Silene cashmeriana. Please advise.
Silene cashmeriana?
Near Snowline and Ilaqa, Dharamshala, HP
3100m and above
10-11 July 2017

Your images are always so refreshing.

I would suggest S. indica comparing with my images of S. cashmeriana from Kashmir (longer petals, more lobes):

And images of S. indica

Thank you … for the comparative images. I do see that S. cashmeriana has broader overlapping petals while my sample has good separation between the petals.

Saw this along the Govindghat-Ghangaria trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please provide ID, is this Silene indica?.

here I’m attaching Image of S.indica. please add.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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