Aleuritopteris bicolor (Roxb.) Fraser-Jenk., Fern Gaz. 18(5): 223 223 . (Syn: Pteris bicolor Roxb.);
. Indian Subcontinent to W. Malesia: Assam, Bangladesh, East Himalaya, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, West Himalaya as per POWO; .
Is it Silver fern ? – Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Yes … This does look like Silver fern, may be Cheilanthes argentea! dont know about the fern id… but may i suggest you check your color balance and light source in Yes even to me look like Silver fern Yes it is. Yes, this is one of the dozen species of “Silver Fern” that occur in India. There are far fewer species present in Madhya Pradesh, of which Aleuritopteris bicolor and Aleuritopteris anceps are the wider spread ones. This is A. bicolor, which is the commonest and most widespread species in India, also having a surprisingly wide altitude range in the Himalaya. You can see the typically long, mostly scaleless stipe and, though curled up, the lowest pinna is long – so when in growing state during the monsoon the lamina is markedly deltate [“deltoid” is a three dimensional triangle, not 2-D] – and as the lowest basiscopic pinnule of the frond is also very long, the lamina is deltate-pentagonal. Although … has explained the details about Cheilanthes (Aleuriopteris) bicolor, he has not given the reasons for the name change. In India this fern was known as Cheilanthes farinosa. Yes, … has adequately outlined the reasons, which I had explained to him when we worked together on his West Himalayan book. I should have mentioned his book, which remains probably the most useful account in existence of a large chunk of Indian ferns. But I did not detail the history again as it has been explained many times since – as with many other revised names from a decade and more ago – and it is no longer what I would think of as a “name change” now, because it appears to be rather well established. Were there a further change recently that was not so well known it would be important to explain it again, but this one doesn’t seem to have any problens attached to it as far as I know. Here is a picture of Silver fern photographed yesterday in Bandhavgarh National Park;
Pityrogramma calomelanos I think this is Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link, an adventive species from South America. I’m sorry not to be able to agree the Widodo guess again, but Pityrogramma is the wrong genus. This is Aleuritopteris (or if you must prefer, “Cheilanthes“) bicolor (Roxb.) Fraser-Jenk., native to India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand and (just) S. China. There are many white-farinose species of cheilanthoids in India, of which this is the commonest and most widespread one.
In the past all Aleuritopteris species tended to be called “Cheilanthes farinosa“, but A. farinosa does not occur in India and is an Afro-Arabian species related more to the Indian and S.E. Asian A. anceps than to A. bicolor.
Aleuritopteris has a marginal turned-down pseudo-indusium enclosing the sorus, while the adventive (in India) genus Pityrogramma has the sorus extending down over the lower surface and without a pseudo-indusium.
We must get these simple cases right and know them confidently before guessing! Thanks … for the follow up on this post. Thanks … for the feedback. . Aleuritopteris bicolor. What State is Borgad in, though? It is near Nasik in Maharashtra state.
The amount of information is insufficient! First we are not told if they are Himalayan (highish? Lowish?) or S. Indian. Secondly the photographer is not aware that it is the BASE of fern fronds that is needed 9 times out of 10, not just the ultimate frond-tips, as obviously the base is the most “developed” or lobed part. Thirdly the picture of the Aleuritopteris has been taken so obliquely that one cannot get a good idea of how long the lowest pinnules on the lowest pinna are. COULD YOU LET ME KNOW THE PLACE FROM WHERE THESE PICTURES WERE TAKEN ALSO THE ALTITUDE. ALSO KINDLY TAKE PICTURES FROM THE LOWER SURFACE WHICH WILL HELP IN CORRECT IDENTITY, OTHERWISE IT WILL BE JUST GUESS WORK. YOUR LAST PICTURE LOOKS LIKE ADIANTUM INCISUM MIGHT AS WELL BEBA. CAUDATUM. BUT THE FIRST NAME IS CORRECT? ALL ADIANTUMS ARE NOT HANSRAJ. THIS NAME IS GENERALLY APPLIED TO ADIANTUM CAPILLUS VENERIS well said, there is a great problem with attempting to apply Vedic names to species, and it badly affects three quarters of all the ayurvedic medicinal literature. Simply said it is mostly inaccurate in nomenclature, Botanical identity and medicinal knowledge! identification no160612sn3: Definitely this is a species of silver fern (Cheilanthes) as you have said…cannot say anything about species. Seems like this is drying up.. Totally inadequate image. yes, I have to agree with the person who said this image is inadequate! But incidentally, who is that person? He or she does not like to say! I think you really need to put your name after any comment. I don’t know anyone working in India called “efloraofindia”! Please reveal yourself and try to be sure never to hide behind some group name. One’s identity is a matter of courtesy, but also helps people to know if you are experienced or not, which is important. Even if I make a blunt comment I do not hide my name!
Going on to the specimen, I wonder if the photographer knows a useful little trick, when specimens are dried up and curled up like this one cannot see the essential characters for identification, so particularly for cheilanthoids, many Asplenium, all Vittaria (i.e. Section Haplopteris), it is important to soak the specimen out in a bucket of water overnight, and though it might seem unkind to it, once it is all nicely expanded, then put it in the press and ensure to change the paper several times almost right away to get rid of water on the frond. Then photograph the dried herbarium specimen, which is often much more informative than bad field photos.
For this genus we need to see the scales at the base of the stipe, and if present, on the upper stipe, rachis and pinna costae, beneath (as you can read in any of the massive literature on Indian ferns including the Annotated Checklist of Indian Pteridophytes, vol. 1 or Ferns and Fern allies of Nepal, vol. 1). But one also needs to see the shape of the lamina.
More than one species of Aleuritopteris occurs in Maharashtra: A. albomarginata (scales on pinna costae), A. anceps, A. bicolor, A. formosana and I think A. rufa (from memory). Your specimen is clearly not albomarginata, formosana or rufa (as scale distribution is wrong). It is fairly obviously either A. bicolor or A. anceps, both of which occur commonly around Pune.
I would guess from the longer lowest pinna it may be A. bicolor, but I can’t eliminate A. anceps while in the shrivelled state shown in this photo. If you can also send a close up of the scales towards the base of the stipe, one could be certain, as anceps scales are much wider and go up the stipe quite a lot, whereas bicolor scales are very narrowly linear and mostly confined to the very base of the stipe (except in very juvenile, baby plants, which this is not). Otherwise (or additionally), try soaking out a complete frond and then pressing.
It’s all a matter of knowing what needs to be shown for each species, and simple technique…
The following statement is mine (that is why I did not mention anybody’s name):
“Totally inadequate image.
One possibility is A.bicolor:“ I do not have much idea about ferns except for comparing images (and details) already identified in our group (efloraofindia- mostly by you) and putting a guess and marking a copy to you for your expert comments.
Incidentally, I forgot to add that it has long been known for many decades that “Cheilanthes” farinosa (or Aleuritopteris farinosa) is NOT an Indian fern, but is from Africa and South Arabia. Yet even now we still find that name cropping up when people are not aware of the important modern literature on Indian ferns, usually people who don’t work on ferns so didn’t know it has all been explained before and is available to look up and consult!
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