Carpinus viminea Wall. ex Lindl., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 2: 4 1830. (Syn: Carpinus davidii (Franch.) C.K.Schneid.; Carpinus fargesii C.K.Schneid. [Illegitimate]; Carpinus fargesii Franch.; Carpinus fargesii var. latifolia S.Y.Wang & C.L.Chang; Carpinus kenpukwan Koidz.; Carpinus laxiflora var. davidii Franch.; Carpinus laxiflora var. fargesii (Franch.) Burkill; Carpinus laxiflora var. macrostachya Oliv.; Carpinus macrostachya (Oliv.) Koidz.; Carpinus tehchingensis Hu; Carpinus viminea var. chiukiangensis Hu);
VoF Week: Tree seen on 10-08-2012 at Govindghat: 7 images. Thought of not posting this, but then decided to go ahead. Suggestive of Acer oblongum, but I can’t see the paired samaras. Inflorescence looks like Carpinus viminea, but leaves look thicker. Thanks a lot … I think you are right. Of the two species to my knowledge from Western Himalayas, C.fangiana has leaves with 14-25 pairs of lateral veins, C. viminea 12-15 pairs on each side, which seems to fit well. This was shot from Ghanghariya- Gobind Ghat Trek on 16.8.12…identification help is requested…this was a small tree…
… was the tree as in efi thread Thanks for the link … but I am afraid this is not the tree I have put here for id…. Could it be Carpinus viminea . looks similar to one uploaded by … in fruits.
i am agree with …, it may be Carpinus vinimea.
UP-Meghalay-13 id pl : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Please see for Carpinus sp. carpinus viminea SK940 08 JAN-2018 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) Location: Surbinayak, Nepal
Date: 7 January 2018
Elevation: 4600 ft.
It could be Carpinus sp. (Betulaceae). Carpinus viminea Wall. ex Lindl. ?? Do you have any pictures of the leaves? There are no leaves at present. I shall wait for the coming
season for leaves. However, I shall take it as Carpinus viminea Wall. ex Lindl.
Nepali Name: खरी Kharee
Location: Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur
Date: 28 April 2019
Elevation: 1560 m.
Habit : Wild
Carpinus viminea, Betulaceae. Thank you …! Carpinus viminea Lindl. ex Wall.
SK1877 29 April 2019 same tree as in SK940 08 JAN-2018 ??? place is same and converting elevation to feet in both comes to be very similar. if it is the same tree. you have shown us two different stages of growth cycle. thank you for the follow up The earlier one is about 500 ft. below the new one and different tree. ok . Location: Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur
Date: 30 April 2024
Elevation: 1418 m.
Habit : Wild
Pl. check Yes