IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable (VU)
Aponogeton bruggenii S.R.Yadav & Govekar, Rheedea 4: 34 1994. ;
W. India as per WCSP;


DV :: 09 JUL 11 – 0530 :: Aponogeton bruggenii in Sindhudurg: Aponogeton bruggenii S.R.Yadav & Govekar … (family: Aponogetonaceae)
 9 JUL 11 … Nerur gaon
Sindhudurgat sea level

Beautiful photograph … One from Satara-Kas is referred as “Y-tura”, this one jokingly i use to refer as “I” tura.

I too would go with I-tura !! Y-tura was perhaps coined because the pair of inflorescence and the stem alludes to the English letter Y. On the same lines, in this case, it is very well I-tura !!


Names of Plants in India :: Aponogeton bruggenii S.R.Yadav & Govekar:
Aponogeton bruggenii S.R.Yadav & Govekar
ah-poh-no-JEE-tun — originally applied to a water plant found at Aquae Aponi, Italy … Dave’s Botanary
¿ brug-GAIN-ee-eye ? — named for H. W. E. (Harry) van Bruggen, Dutch botanist … Wikipedia

commonly known as: Bruggen’s pondweed • Marathi: गुलाबी पाणतुरा gulabi pantura

botanical namesAponogeton bruggenii S.R.Yadav & Govekar … synonyms: no synonym known … POWO

Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Bruggen’s pondweed
  • bruggenii, commemorative epithet, named for Heinrich (Harry) Wilhelm Eduard van Bruggen (December 6, 1927 in Amsterdam – February 8, 2010 in Amersfoort) was a Dutch amateur botanist, for his immense contribution to study of Aponogeton, the sole genus of family Aponogetonaceae … Wikipedia. All Aponogeton spp. are aquatic plants, thus the generic name pondweed given to all its species.
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
गुलाबी पाणतुरा gulabi pantura
  • an apt name given by Shrikant Ingalhalikar, the author of Further Flowers of Sahyadri … गुलाबी gulabi = pink; पाण pan = water (habitat); तुरा tura = spike (inflorescence)
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