
Three prostrate species are rather close. I found the following keys in Flora of India:

30 a. Plants prostrate, only branches or tips of branches decumbent; cyathia solitary, paired or 3 together … 31
b. Plants erect, decumbent or ascending; cyathia more than 3 in glomerules … 33
31 a. Stems and branches pinkish grey; mature capsules remaining within the involucre … 32. E. thymifolia
b. Stems, branches and leaves green, glaucous-green, purplish green or blackish green; mature capsules protruding out from the involucre 32
32 a. Stems, branches and leaves blackish or purplish green; capsules acutely keeled, with ciliate hairs confined to keels only … 26. E. prostrata
b. Stems, branches and leaves green to glaucous-green; capsules obtusely keeled, glabrous or sparsely hairy all over the surface … 13. E. heyneana
33 a. Plants glabrous; leaves linear-lanceolate, 3 – 6 mm wide, glabrous to sparsely pilose … 17. E. hyssopifolia


ID help: tiny euphorb: 2 correct images as above.
Bhopal; black soil; 18/11/2021

flower photo taken with a macro lens

Euphorbia indica Lam. ??

2nd image belongs to Biophytum sensitivum (Linnaeus) Candolle !

I think it can be Euphorbia heyneana Spreng., as per images, keys and details herein.

Pl. post the habit image for further inputs.
