Books on Trees in Marathi by Prof. S D Mahajan purchased by me: Greetings from mumbai,

I wish to inform the Egroup that the books in Marathi on Trees are now available in Marathi
Millions of thanks to Prof. S D Mahajan together with his son Dr Parag Mahajan for publishing three books viz. Aple Vruksha, Deshi Vruksha and Videshi Vruksha,
While reading them it was like I’m with the Team & participants of Tree Appreciation Walks that are regularly conducted, here in mumbai by the TEAM,
the text is very easy to understand and very rythamatic too, giving hints does & dont’s
I have recently purchased all books from “bookganga” and glad to share the preview of books thru’ d link below:

Hope it is not violating any copyrights,

I would like to mention here that for any person who is not well worsed with English, dis book is very easy to get well worsed with English, Scientific name, taxonomy coz, Prof. Mahajan has made it so easy by printing them (pronounciation)in devnagari, so thoughtfull!!!!!!!! Millions of Thanks for this, God Bless them,