endangered medicinal plants of India: Have been looking for the endangered plants especially which are critically tndangered plants in India. found a state wise list of such plants on FRLHT website but that list does not correspond with the list of plants given on IUCN red data list. can anyone guide me as to from where i can find an authentic list of such plants….

Most of the information on Conservation Status of Indian plants didnt follow the IUCN norms and hence they are not valid as per IUCN.

There is a list of Orchids from Western Ghats which followed IUCN protocols and hence conservation status assigned by them stands valid.
FRLHT has undertaken similar works but I have no idea if they used IUCN protocols. Feel sad to say but there are mistakes on plant ids too. Just for example I did a search for Vanda and I got
We must have proper population status for each and every plants in our country then only we can talk about their conservation. In past few days I have got mails from three different persons about the conservation status of plants in India but I have no answers except for my own species and for the western ghat orchids. Atleast we must have the status for endemic species!!

FRLHT follows IUCN guidelines for threat assessments. It has so far assessed and assigned Red Status to about 350 taxa of med. plants of India, under various threat categories. State-wise lists of Red Listed taxa are available at http://envis.frlht.org.in/medicinal-plants-conservation-concern-species.php

Detailed Taxon Data Sheets, assessment methods and IUCN Criteria etc. for all the assessed taxa are compiled in the unpublished CAMP reports that should be available with FRLHT, NMPB and concerned state Forest Departments. If you need any information on this, or to report any errors, the contact info is here http://envis.frlht.org.in/contact.php

One can also get list of RL species, in various categories, from iucnredlist.org A search of CR species with filter criteria such as ‘tracheophyta’ and region ‘India’ gave me a list of 59 taxa. Similar searches may be made for other categories, such EN, VU etc. Several of the taxa assessed by FRLHT have been added to the IUCN Red List