Vernacular Names of Indian Plants: I came across eflora a little while ago, congratulation for the painstaking work. I admire it very much. In the meantime, I would like you all to visit

I would be happy to have your critical feedback about it.

Late Dr. G.L.Shaw and his students did good work on Flora of Gujarat and alo useful plants of India with National seminarat Surat in his memory in 87 at Surat.
If you are inteersted in very old books in India I suggest you to dnload -English Index to the Plants of India by H.Pidddington1832 (with foreword by me for facsimile edition by Today anwd Tomorro-Dehi 1981) 220 pages. this book gves Linnaean names for the first time with native name by Foreign Secretaruyto Agr-Hort Soc in Calcuta in the sme year Floraof India by Roxburgh also appeared. Sanscrit, Nepali and Cyngalese names will be there. Botanicl names may have changed but they are equivalents.

Very nice database, … Lot of efforts.
Wish the site was under Creative Commons license.