Acanthaceae week: Eranthemum roseum: ………………………….

What is Dashmularishta?

Dasmularishta: is fermented/ alcohol containing extract (medicated wine / sort of ) made from a month’s fermentation of Guda/jaggery and extracts of Dahmuls…ten roots… plus 40+ other (some say 53) herbs…main are the Dashmula …roots of

1. AswennaAlysicarpus vaginalis, a one leaf clover, a weed per PIER group
2. PolpalaAerva lanata, … of amarantha family … photo in Wiki
3. Ela batuSolanum melongena, … this is Bengun … roots are used, not the veggie
4. Katuwel batuSolanum xanthocarpum…this is Kantakari…famous in India
5. Hin NerenchiTribulus terristris, this is Gokshuru…. another famous plant/see..root
6. ThotilaOroxylum indicum… this is Shyonak…spectacular tree and fruitpod
7. Beli fruitAegle marmelos…BEL patta and fruits are famous.. its root is taken
8. Et demataGmelina arborea……called Gambhari in sanskrit…
9. PalolStereospermum suaveolens…. called Patala in sanskrit
10. Hin mediPremna integrifoli
gnimantha, अग्निमंथ
The first names in this list came from an ayurvedic list from Kerala… I have given the sanskrit or vernacular name/s I know readily….
Dashshmularishta is a wonderful remedy for its anti-inflammaotry/ pittashamak properties… used often for nervine tonic and as hepatic support..there is evidence based medicine use for help in tylenol induced liver damage, it supports pancreas, adrenals, etc..
Dose is usually 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day, after meals… for at least a month on,
(( and I do it this way , a month on , a week off, then another month on , a week off and a month on… for a total of three months )) to affect a cure…of symptoms… and detox..
I hope this helps… ..
POST- SCRIPT…. and this is an important postscript Now a days… not all the ten roots are available for home use… they/suppliers mix in the stalks and leaves instead of things not available… result of un-educated
tribals and money-grabbing unscrupulous middlemen who encourage the native tribals to gather everything/(as much as possible) of a given herb/ herbal component, in some instances whole stands of trees are gone from the wild for their roots are collected…

In gradients of DASAMOOLA
1. Bilva (Rt./St. Bk) 240 g
2. áyon¡ka (Rt./St. Bk) 240 g
3. Gambh¡r¢ (Rt./St. Bk) 240 g
4. P¡¶al¡ (Rt./St. Bk) 240 g
5. Agnimantha (Rt./St. Bk) 240 g
6. á¡lapar¸¢ (Pl.) 240 g
7. P¤¿nipar¸¢ (Pl.) 240 g
8. B¤hat¢ (Pl.) 240 g
9. Ka¸¶ak¡r¢ (Pl.) 240 g
10. GokÀura (Pl.) 240 g
11. Citraka (Rt.) 1.200 kg
12. PauÀkara (PuÀkara) (Rt.) 1.200 kg
13. Lodhra (St. Bk.) 960 g
14. Gu·£c¢ (St.) 960 g
15. Dh¡tr¢ (Ëmalak¢) (P.) 768 g
16. Dur¡labh¡ (Dhanvay¡sa) (Pl.) 576 g
17. Khadira (Ht. Wd.) 384 g
18. B¢jas¡ra (Asana) (Ht. Wd.) 384 g
19. Pathy¡ (Har¢tak¢) (P.) 384 g
20. Ku˦ha (Rt.) 96 g
21. MaµjiÀ¶h¡ (Rt.) 96 g
22. Devad¡ru (Ht. Wd.) 96 g
23. Vi·a´ga (Fr.) 96 g
24. Madhuka (YaÀ¶¢) (Rt.) 96 g
25. Bh¡r´g¢ (Rt.) 96 g
26. Kapittha (Fr. P.) 96 g
27. AkÀa (Bibh¢taka) (P.) 96 g
28. Punarnav¡ (Raktapunarnav¡) (Rt.) 96 g
29. Cavya (St.) 96 g
30. M¡Æs¢ (Ja¶¡m¡Æs¢) (Rt./ Rz.) 96 g
31. Priya´gu (Fl.) 96 g
32. S¡riva (áveta S¡riv¡) (Rt.) 96 g
33. K¤À¸aj¢raka (Fr.) 96 g
34. Triv¤t (Rt.) 96 g
35. Re¸uka (Hare¸£k¡) (Sd.) 96 g
36. R¡sn¡ (Rt./lf.) 96 g
37. Pippal¢ (Fr.) 96 g
38. Kramuka (P£ga) (Sd.) 96 g
39. áa¶h¢ (áa¶¢) (Rz.) 96 g
40. Haridr¡ (Rz.) 96 g
41. áatapuÀp¡ (áat¡hv¡) (Fr.) 96 g
42. Padmaka (St.) 96 g
43. N¡ga (N¡gake¿ara) (Stmn.) 96 g
44. Must¡ (Rz.) 96 g
45. IndraYava (Ku¶aja) (Sd.) 96 g
46. ᤴg¢ (Karka¶a¿¤´g¢) (Gl.) 96 g
47. J¢vaka (Rt.Tr.) 96 g
48. ÎÀabhaka (Rt.Tr.) 96 g
49. Med¡ (Rt.Tr.) 96 g
50. Mah¡meda (Rt.Tr.) 96 g
51. K¡kol¢ (Sub.Rt.) 96 g
52. KÀ¢rak¡kol¢ (Sub.Rt.) 96 g
53. Îddhi (Sub.Rt.Tr.) 96 g
54. V¤ddhika (V¤ddhi) (Sub.Rt.Tr.) 96 g
55. Water for decoction 100.608 l
reduced to 25.152 l
56. Dr¡kÀ¡ (Dr.Fr.) 3.072 kg
57. Water for decoction 12.288 l
reduced to 9.216 l
58. KÀaudra (Madhu) 1.536 kg
59. Gu·a 19.200 kg
PrakÀepa Dravyas
60. Dh¡tak¢ (Fl.) 1.440 kg
61. Ka´kola (Fr.) 96 g
62. Jala (Hr¢v®ra) (Rt.) 96 g
63. Candana (áveta candana) (Ht.Wd.) 96 g
64. J¡t¢phala (Sd.) 96 g
65. Lava´ga (Fl.Bd.) 96 g
66. Tvak (St.Bk.) 96 g
67. El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) (Sd.) 96 g
68. Patra (Tejapatra) (Lf.) 96 g
69. Ke¿ara (N¡gake¿ara) (Stmn.) 96 g
70. Pippal¢ (Fr.) 96 g
71. Kast£r¢ (M¤gamada) 3 g
72. Katakaphala (Kataka) (Sd.) Q.S.for cleaning
Decoction of drugs 1 to 54 is prepared first. Decoction of Dr¡kÀ¡ is prepared separately and mixed with the first decoction. There after, PrakÀepa Dravyas (drugs 60 to 70) are powdered and added.
Kast£r¢ is made into a paste with a small quantity of Ar
12 to 24 ml

wonderful… list is complete… but gmail does not allow all those pronounciation marks… so it looks garbled …most of the words cant be deciphered by me…..also can you or you office provide the botanical names of these? thank you.

I know I am asking a lot, in acase its not all typed up…some one will have to type it…
but it would help… for those of us who are nbot botanists… so donot have extensive sources of references…

I takes maximum time to search the Botanical names. I can do, but it need time I will send one scanned copy of the said

Thank you .. we should call it as 72 moolarishta hence forth
Thak you for everone to take so much interest in a frick question
… we should be proud to have such great knowledgebale people joining this group.
I have always experienced this, that a small question gets such a great responce and add so much to our knowledge database!!!!!!!!
Long live eflora