Flowering Plants of the Western Ghats : 4 posts by 4 authors.
Have just received my copies of ‘Flowering Plants of the Western Ghats’ by T.S.Nayar, M. Sibi & A. Rasiya Beegam. It is in 2 volumes. The price is Rs.2632 [inclusive of postage].

For those intending to buy them, please be warned that this is some kind of compendium/ catalogue with, besides a map showing the Western Ghats, not a single photograph or illustration

Thanks, …, for the inf.

SO … it sounds like a catalogue or a list…

why then one wonders such price

tch tch

thanks for info

New book: Flowering Plants of the Western Ghats: Flowering Plants of the Western Ghats by T S Nayar, A Rasiya Beegam & M Sibi in 2 volumes, Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden & Research Institue – being released this month.

Price Rs. 3500 (Rs. 2500 before 30 June 13). There is a discount but I am not sure how much. website: www.tbgri.in

Also, The Plants of Western Ghats, Vol 1 & 2 by K N Ganeshaiah & Western Ghats Team published by National Bio-resource Development Board, Ministry of Science & Technology.


Book release on Flowering plants of Western Ghats : 6 posts by 3 authors. For public interest!www.jntbgri.in/jntbgri/NEWS/conservation/

Seems very interesting. More inf. on number of pages & number of pictures will be interesting to find out along with reviews, if any.

Yes, anyone who has seen the book please post a review.

Book release has delayed due to some technical reason. It will be available for sale at the end of August 2013

…, in that case can I avail the pre launch scheme? There is mention of discounted price.

You  can avail the pre launch offer by using the Order Form available at JNTBGRI website (www.jntbgri.in) under ‘What is new’: 


Flowering Plants of Western Ghats, India : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)-   Flowering Plants of the Western Ghats, India.pdf.  

Forthcoming publication in August 2014


Flowering Plants of the Western Ghats :  6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- Flowering Plants of the Western Ghats, India.pdf

Forthcoming book from JNTBGRI

Thanks for sharing. I am going through procedure to have it.

I would like to know whether the volumes are having photo-images.
Pl reply.

Pertinent question;
Also would like to know the number of species for which images are available and whether images show only flower or other relevant attributes of the plant ie. leaf, fruit etc..
Are keys to identification included?
Are differentiating features for closely related species emphasized?

I would like to know whether this book containts picture of plants either color/black & white or sketches of plant

Flowering Plants of the Western Ghats, India : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

The two volume book, Flowering Plants of the Western Ghats, India published by Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram-695 562, Kerala has released now.

The book is priced Rs 3,500/- but can have for Rs 2,500/- up to 31st December 2014.
Interested members can place their Order to director_tbgri@rediffmail.com
Order Form attached

I am attaching a review article on the Western Ghats checklist prepared by Nayar et al from TBGRI for  the benefit of our net work members.