Geranium rectum Trautv., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 33(1):459. 1860;
Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: Geraniaceae- Geranium rectum from Kashmir-GS-33 : 5 images. 4 posts by 4 authors. Geranium rectum Trautv
Species similar in appearance to G. lambertii but easily distinguished by its narrower petals not overlapping like other species.
Photographed from Gulmarg forest Kashmir I think this probably does come within Geranium rectum which Stewart found to not be rare on the lower alpine meadows in Kashmir @ 2400-3000m; flowers pink.
Nasir considered it to resemble G.rubifolium (syn. G.kishtvariense) which Stewart recorded from temperate forests in Kashmir @ 2100-3000m, describing it as having large maple-like leaves and pink flowers, close to G.rectum.
… specimen has more dissected foliage than descriptions of G.rubifolium. Cannot see the stipules well but no evidence of them being 2-fid. The sepal awns I cannot judge length (meant to be 2-3mm).
There are images of G.rubifolium to be seen on the internet but how reliable they are is another matter – some show whitish centres akin to some forms of G.wallichianum. Such characteristics are unlikely to be known to herbarium taxonomists unless detailed field notes are provided as to flower colour (which is seldom the case). Thanks … The last image on my hand clearly shows awn length slightly shorter than interphalangeal gap in my second finger. the gap being about 3.5 mm, awn length should be around 2.5 mm. Thanks for sending estimate of awn length.
Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week:: Geraniaceae:: Geranium pratense??- along Govindghat-Ghangaria route – PKA33 : Not G. pratense atleast in which segments are narrower towards top. Appears close to images at Geranium rectum Trautv. by … . Please check Geranium rectum Trautv. ! Geranium rectum High res. images are required to check the details.
It can also be or some other species.
Yes, possible as per images at