Impatiens wightiana Bedd., Madras J. Lit. Sci. ser. 2, 20:67. 1858 ;
Image by Santhosh Kumar 



Erect glabrous herbs. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, base rounded or obtuse, margins serrate or crenate, to 15 x 5 cm; petiole to 7 cm long with a few stipitate glands below the lamina. Racemes 10-15 cm long; flowers 2 cm long, white with pink shade. Sepals small. Standard orbicular, apiculate. Lip funnel shaped, spur short, incurved.     
Flowering and fruiting: June-September
Evergreen and shola forests
Endemic to Southern Western Ghats

Impatiens wightiana from Kerala, Munnar.

Very beautiful!  Thanks … for sharing yet another endemic beauty…