
Asteraceae Week Part 1-Radiate Heads: Arctotheca prostrata from California-GS22 : Attachments (3).  2 posts by 2 authors.
Arctotheca protrata, a perennial mat forming herb common in SFO zoo and other places in California.

Asteraceae for ID : Golden Gate Park, San Francisco : 11SEP21 : AK – 012: 2 images.

While going through my California plants, I found some I had missed earlier.

Leaves are close to Gerbera.

Please advice.

My best guess is Arctotis arctotoides which is in cultivation in the USA (see calflora).  It is also similar to Gerbera and Gazania and I am not 100% confident of my identification.

Your guess seems to be correct as per the link below since the flowers and leaves are both matching.

Pl. also consider Arctotheca prostrata as per images and details herein.

To me appears close.

… suggestion of Arctotis arctotoides looks closer to me.

Did you check the link I had sent?

Yes, I checked it. Looked a bit different.

Not the first image, the subsequent ones.

Arctotis and Arctotheca are quite similar.  The paper by McKenzie et al. 2011 (sciencedirect) is quite useful for distinguishing features:

Table 1. Comparison of selected morphological characters in Arctotis sect. Anomalae with other sections of Arctotis and Arctotheca.

Character Arctotheca Arctotis sect.
Arctotis (other sections)
Ray floret fertility Neuter Neuter or female Female
Central disc floret fertility Hermaphro dite Hermaphro dite Functionally male or sterile
Floral scent Present (absent in A. populifolia) Present Absent
Disc floret corolla lobe elaboration Tuberculate Tuberculate or applanate Applanate
Disc floret style thickening base Truncate Truncate Attenuate
Filament ornamentation Papillose Papillose Smooth
Maximum pappus scale length Always shorter than achene Usually longer than achene Shorter or longer than achene
Achene—adaxial ribs Longitudinal ridges Weakly developed into wings Longitudinal ridges (well-developed wings in A. breviscapa)
Achene—abaxial ribs Longitudinal ridges Two well-developed wings Two or three well-developed wings

However, I ‘m not convinced I could see any of these with confidence in the photos so I am not 100% sure.  Both are possible.