Common name: Shrubby Ajania

040722 JM 2:
On way from Nubra to Pangong, in Syok valley near Syok river on 17.6.22 in Ladakh.

Ajania fruticulosa (Ledeb.) Poljakov ??

Yes, appears close to images and details at Ajania fruticulosa (Ledeb.) Poljakov
Also matches with POWO specimen and GBIF image.

Attaching flowering images.

7 images- 5 High res. images.


Close up images of leaves and fruits.


ID Required for Leh Flowers 1 : 9 posts by 5 authors. 2 correct images as above.
This plant was photographed by a friend of mine hence i cant give any information about it. My guess is that this plant is Ephedra however i may be wrong

Yes doc, this is Ephedra, forgot the species name :(.

I think Ephedra viridis

Ephedra gerardiana

Images 1a and 1b are of Tanacetum gracile. Images 2a and 2b are of Ephedra gerardiana.

Sorry for not noticing 1a and 1b earlier. I think they belong to A. artemisioides Sch.-Bip which has larger heads than T. gracile.

Sorry I meant Tanacetum artemisioides Sch.-Bip

Thank you all for giving the correct ids. There are some more that i will be posting that require identification. They all belong to Leh- Laddakh region but since they are not my pics but have been taken by a friend i wont be able to give any information about them. Sorry for that

I think these images also look close to those at Ajania fruticulosa (Ledeb.) Poljakov

I guess Image 2/3  are as you have suggested.


060722 JM 1: 6 images.
In Syok valley, Ladakh, while going from Nubra to Pangong, on 17.6.22.

Ajania fruticulosa (Ledeb.) Poljakov ??

Yes, matches with images at Ajania fruticulosa


This Tanacetum sp. was seen on the way to Tsokar Lake, Ladakh.
Bot. name: Tanacetum fruticulosum
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: typical species for the dry semideserts and steppes.

Thanks … I was expecting these from Ladakh.

Ajania fruticulosa : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Sharing some pictures of A. fruticulosa shot at the Magnetic Hill, Leh on 20 August 2014 at 14000 ft.

Any leaves, …?

Enclosing some pictures. Attachments (2)


For id 160722 JM1: 4 images- 3 high res.
Along the roadside on the Leh-Khardung La road before South Pullu (15,300 ft) on 15.6.22 in Ladakh.
There seems to be two plants in some of the images.
I am talking of the one with a larger opened type of leaves.

Ajania fruticulosa. There are old flowering stocks of the previous year attached to the vegetative shoots.

Appears close to images at


Ladakh, August 2022 :: Ajania fruticulosa (?) for validation :: ARK2022-143: 3 high res. images.
This was near the Leh resort in a wasteland in August 2022.

I thought this to be closer to Ajania fruticulosa but am not convinced.
Again ID based on eFI and FoI pics.
Saw a couple of more similar looking plants at other locations which I will post in the coming days.
Requested to please validate.

No leaf images ?

Unfortunately no, … Could not capture any leaf images.

Looks close.

I also agree.

Yes …, Nice pictures.


Ladakh, August 2022 :: Yellow Asteraceae-2 for ID :: ARK2022-164: 5 high res. images.
This was on the banks of the Pangong tso.
This looks different from the other Asteraceae that I posted today.
Requested to please ID.

Ajania fruticulosa (Ledeb.) Poljakov

For me they looked different from the Ajania fruticulosa I posted here. These are multiple flower heads but  Ajania fruticulosa had single flower heads.
Would this be okay?

Check what the description says about this aspect.

I also struggled in the I’d of this species from Ladakh, during my trip this year.
So better go through the description.

Id is correct. Pl. see images at GBIF and iNaturalist.
I also found this species initially confusing.


Ladakh, August 2022 :: Yellow Asteraceae-1 for ID :: ARK2022-163: 4 high res. images.
This was on the banks of the Pangong tso.
This looks different from Ajania fruticulosa that I posted earlier from Leh.
Requested to please ID.

Ajania fruticulosa (Ledeb.) Poljakov ??

But here again I thought this was different from the Ajania fruticulosa I posted here.

I did not see any other option. Anyways, other members may suggest if any.

Both are the same. Pl. see images at GBIF and iNaturalist.
I also found this species initially confusing.




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