Images by Gurcharan Singh 



G. ringens: stem distinct, with 15-30 cm long ascending branches; heads 6-8 cm across, on 10-15 cm long
peduncles; teeth of involucre much shorter than tube, linear and acute; leaf margin not revolute; 
G. linearis: Stem absent or very short; heads 4-7 cm across on up to 35 cm long scapes; teeth of involucre
as long as or linger than tube, linear-subulate and very finely pointed; leaf-margins mostly revolute..;
The telling difference between Gazania and Arctotis is the outer involucre bracts which form a tube in Gazania whereas they are usually free or slightly united at base only; 

Gazania linearis is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name treasureflower

It is native to southern Africa, particularly South Africa, but it can be found in other parts of the world with similar climates where it has taken hold as an introduced species, such as in California in the United States.  
This is a mat-forming or clumping perennial herb growing from rhizomes. Its leaves have long, winged petioles and form basal rosettes at the ground around the branching stem. The leaves have oval-shaped, dull green leaflets with woolly undersides. The plant produces large, solitary daisylike flowers in shades of bright yellow and orange. Each flower head may be up to 8 centimeters across and has a dark reddish center of disc florets and an outer fringe of about 20 long ray florets. The ray florets may have dark spots near the bases, curl upwards along their edges, and close at night. The fruit is a tiny achene covered in very long hairs several times the length of the fruit body. 
(From Wikipedia on 18.5.13)

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Gazania linearis photographed from California