Lathyrus emodi (Fritsch) Ali, Index Kew., Suppl. 1: 239 (1903) (syn Lathyrus emodi var. majalis (Fritsch) Bässler; Lathyrus laevigatus subsp. emodi (Wall. ex Fritsch) H.Ohashi; Orobus emodi Wall. ex Fritsch);
Afghanistan to Nepal: Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: Smooth Himalayan Pea

Baker ; perennial, leaflets 6-8 oblong, flowers in peduncled racemes. Orobus luteus, Linn. ; DC. Prodr. ii. 378. O. laevigatus, W. & K. Pl. Hung. t. 243. O. orientalis, Boiss. Diag. ix. 106. O. Emodi, Wall. Cat. 5948. O. aureus, Stev. ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, ii. 621.
West Himalayas, tropical and temperate zone, ascending from the salt range in the Punjab to 8500 ft. in Kumaon and 10,000 ft. in Khagan.—Distrib. Europe, Orient, Altai, Songaria.
Stems suberect, glabrous, 2-3 ft. high. Stipules large, leafy ; leaflets membranous, acute, 2-4 in. long. Racemes 6-12-flowered, equalling or exceeding the leaves. Calyx 3/8-1/2 in. ; lower teeth lanceolate, upper deltoid. Corolla bright yellow, twice the calyx. Pod linear, beaked, 2-3 in. long.
(Attributions: IBIS Flora (Flora of British India))
,  .
Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :Plant from Paddar valley : Attachments (1 + 1).  7 posts by 2 authors.

Kindly confirm ID
Astragalus frigidus
Location: Paddar valley J&K.
Altitude: 3401 meters asl

I think flowers and leaves of different species are mixed up

I am uploading another picture. It seems that the flower is on the same plant.
Can it be another species of Astragalus or some different species.

Can this plant be Lathyrus laevigatus
Family: Leguminosae
Kindly have look on below links

Can this plant be Lathyrus laevigatus

I think you are right now.
I am very happy that you are getting identifications fast now.

This is Lathyrus emodi (Wall. ex Fritsch) Fritsch ex T.Durand & B.D.Jacks. as per discussions at Lathyrus emodi (Wall. ex Fritsch) Fritsch ex T.Durand & B.D.Jacks. submission AS12 June22


Lathyrus emodi (Wall. ex Fritsch) Fritsch ex T.Durand & B.D.Jacks. submission AS12 June22: 6 images- 4 high res. images

Here’s a new addition to efloraofindia website.
Lathyrus emodi (Wall. ex Fritsch) Fritsch ex T.Durand & B.D.Jacks.
Family- Fabaceae
Photographed in Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh
Elevation – ca. 2500 meters
In June 2022

A different Lathyrus. I saw it at an elevation of about 2700m in Tehri district while going to Panwali Kantha alpine zone. It was almost 30 years back. Nice to see it again.

I think the species has been uploaded earlier also but under the name L. laevigatus

It is also on Flowera of India but again under the name Lathyrus laevigatus
Lathyrus laevigatus (Waldst. & Kit.) Gren. is a European species, Indian plant being L. emodi
Both L. laevigatus and Orbus emodi (later L. emodi) were treated as synonyms of L. luteus in L. luteus in FBI


POWO  Catalogue of life  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of Pakistan (Lathyrus emodii (Wall.ex Fritsch) Ali) Flowers of IndiIndia Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora (Flora of British India)