Kalanchoe beharensis Drake, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) 9: 41 41 1903. (Syn: Kalanchoe van-tieghemii Raym.-Hamet);  


Kalanchoe beharensis (commonly known as elephant’s ear kalanchoe, felt bush, or feltbush) is a plant species in the succulent genus Kalanchoe, and the family Crassulaceae, a morphologically diverse and systematically complex angiosperm family […], characteristically leaf-succulent, usually herbaceous, and often [with] five-parted, radially symmetrical flowers with two whorls of five stamens each. The family inhabits primarily semiarid habitats and is nearly cosmopolitan in distribution, with centers of diversity in Mexico, southern Africa, Macaronesia, and the Himalayas.[1] Kalanchoe beharensis is native to Madagascar.[2]

K. beharensis is an evergreen shrub, 3–5 ft (1–2 m) tall.[3] The stem is about 1.5 m (4.9 ft) long, and is slender and knotted. Leaves are olivaceous in color, triangular-lanceolate shaped, decussately arranged with leaf margins that are doubly crenate. Each leaf is about 10 cm (4 in) long and 5–10 cm (2–4 in) wide. The bottoms of the leaves are glabrous and they are covered with a woolly hair towards the apex. The leaf hairs are brown, and tips of the teeth are darker. The hairs on the stem, younger leaves, and petioles are white. A sign of older leaves is concavity on the upper surface. Inflorescences are 50–60 cm (20–24 in) high, forming a branched corymb. Flowers are on short pedicels (stalks). The calyx is 7 mm long with lobes that are oblong and acuminate. The corolla tube is urn shaped and 7 mm long.[4] Blooming occurs from spring to summer, and flowers are small and yellowish.[5]
This plant needs full to partial sun, with intermediate to warm temperatures. It will survive frost on a scale from light to moderate.[13] For growth in a greenhouse Kalanchoe beharensis will grow in a mixture of equally distributed loam and sand, and gravel for drainage. The plant should be dry before watering again, as too much water will kill it. Watering should occur every 14–20 days during the growing season. In the winter months Kalanchoe beharensis should be watered sparingly. The species is resilient and will survive if neglected.[14]

(From Wikipedia on 6.6.13)


Kalanchoe beharensis


Kalanchoe beharensis Drake
Feltbush, velvetleaf, velvet elephantear
A shrub with leaves crowded at branch tips, triangular to nearly hastate, up to 25 cm long irregularly toothed, with felted surface on cylindrical petioles; flowers yellowish, urceolate, on up to 45 cm long inflorescence.
This plant from Madagascar, was photographed from SFO Zoo, California.
Although the name Behar may sound interesting it is derived from place named Behara in Madagascar.

not in my memory at least i dont remember seeing it unless … so new for me

thanks for showing it



Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight: Crassulaceae- Kalanchoe beharensis ‘Oak leaf’ from Delhi-GSDEC27 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Kalanchoe beharensis ‘Oak leaf’. Cultivar with lobed leaves. Photographed from Delhi University Flower show.




Kalanchoe beharensis seen at the Flower Show in Mumbai during Feb,2011.

At least right one I think is K. beharensis ‘Oak Leaf’




Please ID this plant captured at Jijamata Udyan Flower Show in Feb 2015.

kalanchoe beharensis

during the crassulaceae week we had … I think and someone else submit them…

it was a very nice week, may be when you have time you can peruse the week…

Another Kalanchoe …,

Again probably a hybrid, I believe some call “Oak Leaf”. Gee, I wonder why


Not very sure whether Kalanchoe beharensis or K. tomentosa. Photographed from Delhi University Flower Show. Your opinion please

Since leaves in the 1st pic look like opposite decussate I think it would be K. beharensis Drake, if I am to select between two.

have to go with the stylized spear shaped leaves …

the brownish tinge to the edges may be real or induced by enviroment??/ i donot know
but the spear shaped leaves are most important so take your pick and let me know what you decide

Yes, brown spot on margin is character of K. tomentosa, but toptropicals have beharensis with brown spot.

Kalanchoe beharensis Drake