Has anybody seen/visited this:
The train is called Science Express Biodiversity Special (SEBS).
SEBS is now being re-launched on 9 April 2013 from Delhi Safdarjung. Dignitaries who graced the flag off ceremony include Chief Minister of Government of NCT Delhi, Minister of Railways and
Minister of State (Independent Charge) Environment & Forests. The train then left for Pragati Maidan Railway Station where it will be stationed during 10-13 April. It will be open to visitors from 1000 hrs till 1700 hrs and entry is free. Schools can fix appointments to visit the exhibition and also participate in Joy-of-Science lab by calling 09428405407/8 or by sending an e-mail to scienc…@gmail.com. A team of 40 young well trained and highly motivated post graduates in science, who remain on-board throughout the entire journey, will facilitate the visitors and explain the content of the exhibits and also answer their queries. Thereafter the train will halt at 60 more locations across India before returning to its base station- Gandhinagar Capital- on 28 October 2013.
[FROM MOEF website]

In my professional capacity I deal with the part of the Ministry of Environment & Forests which is sort of in-charge of the Biodiversity Express. Must confess that I haven’t actually seen it myself, but I have a booklet (see attachment) with lots of interesting information, that I picked up from the CEE office at Paryavaran Bhavan.