Ceropegia panchganiensis Blatt. & McCann, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 36: 534 1933. ; 

Notes: Along Western Ghats. Narrow endemic 



POsting for id ceropegia : Attachments (2).  4 posts by 2 authors.
id Please Old fotograph of ceropegia Habit need to id

From Murbaad hills 5/8/2012 

This is found on Harishchandragad. It is a variation in C. panchganiensis. Yes, flowers do differ externally but the gynostegium is identical to this species. At this juncture we take this as C. panchgaiensis.

Thank you very much this is new ceropegia for me And 9th ceropegia of me i am very happy thanks to all who helped in identification of this species 😀

Confusion or submission : Ceropegia (lawii, rollae, sahyadrica & panchganiensis):  As per the plant list, Ceropegia lawii, C sahyadrica and C panchganiensis are all syn of Ceropegia rollae. http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/kew-2712940

But on FoI website Ceropegia rollae (http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Rolla’s%20Ceropegia.html) , Ceropegia sahyadrica (http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Sahyadri%20Ceropegia.html ) and Ceropegia lawii (http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Law’s%20Ceropegia.html ) are three diffrent and individual species. Can someone throw light on it.

…, discussion related to your query here at efi thread

Siddharthan Surveswaran; Mayur Y. Kamble; Shrirang R. Yadav; Mei Sun: Molecular phylogeny of Ceropegia (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae) from Indian Western Ghats. Plant Systematics and Evolution 281:1-4, 51-63 (2009)



Ceropegia panchganensis : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.

Ceropegia panchganensis.
Location – Murbad, Thane Dist. Mh.
August 2013




Ceropegia panchganiensis Blatter & McCann : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3).

Date 2014 July ,Pune district , Varandha Ghat , Maharashtra
Ceropegia panchganiensis Blatter & McCann
Local Name : Kharpudi, Khartundi
Fls. & Frts : june Aug.-Oct.
Distrib. : Maharashtra (Satara) New Distribution Maharashtra (Pune District ) Varandha Ghat region 
Present Status : Endemic to Maharashtra and Critically Endangered. very rare 
Field note : It is a tuberous, erect, broad leaved species with many flowered cyme. It is known from Mahableshwar range in Satara district and New locality Varandha Ghat Region Pune  district. It grows on steep slopes of highest peaks of an altitude of about 1200 m.
Remarks : It is restricted to very small area and there are few individuals only. In nature, it has been observed that some butterflies larvae feed on leaves of the species. There is an urgent need for its conservation

Nice find Dear … Beautiful clicks..

Thank you … for this sharing this unique plant and the detailed post. 
I thought ceropegias are climbers generally. This one looks like having an erect habit. 

Hoping that its natural habitat would be protected.

Thanks for a beautiful post, showing beautiful pictures and sharing an important piece of information regarding its status and ecology..