The Min of Environment & Forests have invited proposals for their above Awareness Campaign(NEAC-2013-14),the theme being “bio-diversity Conservation” Several sub-themes are available and they are in the Ministry’s Web-site.

today’s NewsPaper contains the details
Proposals are invited from NGOs for conducting Workshops,Padayatras,Rallies/Competitions etc.,. The proposal shd include an action-oriented component contributing to Bio-diversity conservation.http://moef.nic.in__ could be consulted.
LAST date for receipt of Proposals is 08 Aug 2013.
This could be discussed in Tomorrow’s Nizhal Meeting 07 July so that we can make a mark with the Gof I.The proposals can include Financial assistance by G of I.The proposals’ guidelines may be obtained from RRAs( designated Rural resource Agencies of the State).They shd be submitted to RRAs before 08 Aug