Cirsium eriophoroides (Hook. fil.) Petr., Biblioth. Bot. 78: 9 (1912) (syn: Cirsium bolocephalum Petr. ex Hand.-Mazz.; Cirsium bolocephalum var. racemosum Petr. ex Hand.-Mazz.; Cirsium bolocephalum var. setchwanicum Petr. ex Hand.-Mazz.; Cnicus eriophoroides Hook. fil.);
E. Himalaya to China (SW. Sichuan, Yunnan) and Myanmar (Kachin): China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Tibet as per POWO;
Common name: Wool Bearing Thistle

Unid from Tawang: TQ-Tawang-09 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.

This herb was found on the way to Sela Pass in Arunachal Pradesh. Altitude could be anything between 3500-4500 m.
Sorry for the poor quality of the pics – this is the best we could manage in the situation.
Is this Morina polyphylla ?
The description in Flora of China says, “Inflorescence 8-10 cm, compact, of many whorls; involucral bracts (3 or)4-6 per whorl, connate basally, forming a cup-shaped structure…”
I am not able to make out if these white things that we see in the pics, are the bracts that are mentioned in the description.
Please help

Often I wish I knew plants sooo much that I could help in most unknowns, but…
Could the white stuff be snow, lingering , hence mis-shapen?

when I enlarged the thumbnails,

the surrounding “soil” is not soil but something that look pebbly shaped but glistening, white in the left side (more light falling there) and pinkish/ brownish on the right side of the picture ( in the shades) to me it means water froze on pebbles… ie ice formed. sorry but I cant help with the plant ID…

but I think its snow and ice… for the mystery globs and mystery soil….

Images from FoI and Book of Stainton  does not match.

I think it may be some Cirsium species.

Himalaiella yakla (C. B. Clarke) K. Fujikawa & H. Ohba. Syn : Saussurea yakla C. B. Clarke.  ??

I do not think matches with GBIF– specimen 1specimen 2

Cirsium eriophoroides (Hook.fil.) Petr.

I think Saroj is right! It does look like Cirsium eriophoroides.
Have a look at the images on this site:
Attaching another picture to show its habitat.
Eight years after poorly photographing it, it is identified! Speaks volumes about eFI!

My pleasure ! Very happy like identifying Inula rhizocephala 10 years after posting in FoI.

Yes, appears close as per GBIF specimens- onetwo



References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  GCC  IPNI  GBIF specimens- onetwo (High resolution specimens) Flora of China  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal  Bhutan Biodiversity Portal