Pl. see Valuation of efloraofindia, to really understand the pivotal role, which it plays in scientific publications directly and indirectly.. Efloraofindia is playing a pivotal role in discovery of many new species, in publication of new species, in bringing out new records, in bringing out new records/ species even before their publication, in better explaining scientific publications etc. It is such a vast resource with more than 3,50,00 live images of different taxon and with comparative images at Genus and Family pages that no taxonomist would like to give a miss before making a publication, as it offers diverse and varied views from all over Indian Subcontinent over full cycle of a taxon, with interesting observations. Lot of experts are keeping an hawk eye on all the posts & publishing new species/ records etc. whenever they come across with or without our knowledge. Lot of species has already been published which initially could not be identified and were established/ published as new species with Expert help. Many new species were posted here, before they are published by our members themselves or by others e.g. a few given below: Curcuma nepalensis M.sabu, S.K. Kasaju and S. Subedi Thunbergia kasajuana