…………………………. Congrats .., for the discoveries. But my question is… why do we publish taxonomic records of Indian plants,
that too endemics, in some foreign journals, and why do we feel proud of it?! The users will have to pay even to read the article about our own Indian plants. Little difference of opinion… I think publishing a new species in some foreign journal with good impact factor is not bad. They can be reached more easily to the scientific community than those published at the local level. Still most of the Indian plant taxonomy journals are not available online. You’ve to face a lot of trouble to find articles published in journals
like Indian Forester, Indian Journal of Forestry or many more. Thankfully, Nelumbo (Bull. Bot. Surv. India) and Rheedea are available online for a couple of months but still they cannot be found under the SCI Index or other databases like Science Direct or Scopus. And as far as the payment to read an article is concerned….even the most popular Indian taxonomy journal JETB (J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.) is not available freely. But, yes,, I would be happy if somebody publishes the new distributional records or anything related in particular context to India to the Indian Journals. I am happy that my thread has lead the members to another discussion on Indian journals. Also I would like to add..
I found it difficult to collect those papers published in Indian journals than foreign journals during my literature survey. Still I am in search for some papers published in some Indian journals from Bengal Botanical Society. I couldn’t even find a copy of them in CAL too. when I wrote to the librarian of www.biodiversityheritagelibrary.org about including Indian journals in their website, she told me that they do not have much access to Indian Journals.. Anyway, I came to know that, all the volumes of Rheedea will be available through biodiversityheritagelibrary soon. I hope the scenario will be changed soon.. Anyway, …, am considering an Indian journal for my next paper, which is under progress..!!! [?][?] For those who need the reprints of the paper, please drop me a mail.. Am out of station now. Will be sending the reprint soon, when I am back to my lab. You know when we go for interview they ask us how many publications do you have in an international journal. Our own institutes in India doesnt give much value to the Indian journals, when there is need. I agree with ….. Since tax dollars (or Rupees) via grants pay for the research and researchers’ salary… Nice reading the discussion. Thank you all for your nice responses and opinion. Dear .., first of all I am not against publishing in intl. journals. The context here is very specific, about the relevance….and of course its my personal opinion only. Imagine a new species discovered in Africa or Europe
getting published in an Indian journal. It may not be wrong….but what about the relevancy here. It may be searcheable in those journals, but what about accessible of full articles. And these impact factors are just to compare the efficiency of journals and not to judge the capability or knowledge of the author or the institution, i guess. How the impact factors matter in the field of taxonomy in India. I understand its importance in other fields such as chemistry etc. Impact factor is mainly based on number of documents and number of citable items published in a particular journal. If all scientists want to publish their high quality papers in foreign journals, how Indian journals will get citations and impact factors? Leave alone the money part… Is it not important what we publish…rather than where we publish?!… Thanks .. for taking this in a right spirit, and also for sharing your experience. Best wishes for all your future publications. [Please check with the journal’s policy before circulating / sharing the pdf files. If it allows, I would like to read the paper, as I have published a new sp in Eriocaulon, too:) ]. Dear …, you are right. Sadly, two of my articles sent to one of the most reputed journals in India, were accepted for publication in 2005 and 2006 respectively, but they are not yet published. But the happy news is that the authorities are coming forward to make their journal online with free access to full articles. We have best examples for that. Hope to see much more positive developments in our Indian taxonomic journals par with their foreign counterparts. Thanks .., for supporting my view and also adding to the discussion. A really interesting discussion on patriotism, relevance and reality. There can be no two opinions on the fact that whenever an aspirant for getting into job, seeking promotion or award has to face an interview, the Indian Dear .. I agree with all your points. I do remember when i had send my first paper to one of the International journal they had made it fully red by marking on many pages and points. It was disgusting to see. But that is how we learn to be better and better, Thanks a lot for the mail. I think this is surely going to be a fruitful discussion, though we may not be able to change patterns of UGC or journals but hopefully we would be able to change our perceptions for the betterment of students. Yes if you ask me, if I did it, yes I did it. I went to multiple libraries as much as I can. Still if I go anywhere the first thing I do is to look for whatever i can find on my plants. I work 20hrs a day on average and sometimes didnt sleep for 3 days on average. Where my colleague did his PhD in 3 years, I finished it in 6 years.
I do believe that many good workers dont get recognition and thats really sad, especially indian researchers, it like outsiders dont trust their work. It is the perception based on some of the fake researches in India which created bad impression about the good people too. I hope such perception changes with time. I always believe in hard work and the second thing which a researcher should have is patience for sure. People running after money cant do good research!! but thats the fact of life in India, where a good job is considered better than a good education. People can leave research in the middle to get a simple job just because its permanent. But still we have good researchers available in India who can raise the quality of research and hence recognition of indian researchers to higher level. I am always hopeful for a better life, better perception, better output of researchers in India in future. My best wishes to all, and dont forget I am also a researcher :)) so you all should give your good wishes to me too :P… Reminding of hard work by researchers, I remember when we did our Ph.D., we used to take photograph on film camera, wash the film ourselves in the dark room, purchase kodak rolls of photographic paper, cut this and develop prints ourselves in the dark room. Those were the days when research meant doing every thing yourself. There was no printing available. Type the whole manuscript on manual type writer, three or four times, after every proof correction, and when final draft was ready, get 4-5 copies of this and for this you had to use 4-5 carbon papers, press each stroke of type writer hard so that impression reaches to all the copies, and then get it bound after inserting the photographs (mounted on A4 sheets). Luckily the things are much easier now. Thats really interesting. I also used film roll cameras too but yeah i never processed the rolls myself. Those were the times when with one shot I used to pray to god that I please give me a good shot :)) I am against giving points to articles from international journals. to project the slides used to be slide projecter. slide role used to be costly. so negatives sometimes were mounted in two carboards. Heartiest thanks to the senior members for sharing their experiences…!!! NB: Let me add one more thing… Having coming from a local village near Wayanad District of Kerala, I was not much exposed to the scientific community and was not able to communicate with the people easily. Now I
feel, a transformation is happening within me, feel confident in communicating with people, and the great contribution from E-flora India, can not be ignored. I know, I have to go miles again.. Hoping for a great support from the eflora India members |