India, Sri Lanka as per WCSP;

Oldenlandia stricta L. 15Jan SN 22 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Oldenlandia stricta L., erect slender herb in the coastal sandy area of Chennai

I am having some doubts about the id as per Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India – Volume 3   eflora of Karaikal Dist (Images and specimen) GBIF (high resolution specimens)
May I request you to pl. post the high resolution original images to check the details.



Oldenlandia erecta (Manilal & Sivar.) R.R.Mill : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Oldenlandia erecta (Manilal & Sivar.) R.R.Mill, from Manmad area of Nashik dt, Maharashtra

Thanks, …, I think images are insufficient for proper id.

I could hardly get any inf. on net on this species.
Also there are no other observations of this species in efi site.
I feel it is close to Oldenlandia herbacea (L.) Roxb. as per images, details and references herein.

Rather appears more closer to your earlier post at Oldenlandia stricta L. 15Jan SN 22


Oldenlandia stricta L (Hedyotis graminifolia) SN24221: 3 high resolution images.
Wild perennial herb from coastal area near Chennai. Merging this with Oldenlandia stricta is not justified. Botanist for the sake of popularity just with few variations publishing new species. This is quite different from oldenlandia stricta. Botanists outside India just merged species without proper field observation, based on herbarium specimens. It cannot be justified.

I too agree with you …, these days many taxonomists doing new species enthusiastically with very minute characters and without observing ecological variations, and even they don’t know the exact genus or family also and some others doing needfully for their indeed,
My dear all taxonomists, please don’t force for new species for our needs, there are many things to do that we didn’t still,
We want to standardise the heritage literature from generation to generation, not pollute.
Understand, please………………………..

id from kutch 2: 2 high res. images.
location kutch
date 7/10/2022

Image quality is not good. However, my guess is Oldenlandia stricta L.

Yes, appears close as per images at https://efloraofindia.com/2013/08/31/oldenlandia-stricta/





The Plant List Ver. 1.1  WCSP  India Biodiversity Portal (Hedyotis graminifolia L.f. var. graminifolia) India Biodiversity Portal (Oldenlandia stricta Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India – Volume 3   eflora of Karaikal Dist (Images and specimen)
GBIF (high resolution specimens)