Dear Friends and Juniors and Seniors,
This is to inform you that I have published a book with my student Dr. Sunit Mitra entitled “Flora and Ethnobotany of West Dinajpur District, West Bengal (India)” It is the first publication of West Bengal which deals both Floristic and Ethnobotanical information. Please see the salient features of this book in the attached brochure.
 Dr. Sobhan Kr. Mukherjee, FLS, Swedish Linnaean Jubilee Medal Awarder
             Professor, Taxonomy and Biosystematics Laboratory
             Department of Botany, University of Kalyani
             Kalyani 741 235, West Bengal , India. 
             Ph. 09432224984; 033 – 2592 6917®
             E – mail: sobhankr@gmail.com  ;sobhankr@yahoo.com