China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Taiwan, Tibet, Cambodia, Ryukyu Isl., Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), Laos, Australia (Queensland), Java, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand, Sumatra, peninsular Malaysia (rare), Borneo, Sulawesi, Andamans (South Andamans), Bhutan, Darjeeling, India (West Bengal Duars), Myanmar [Burma] (Chin,
Mon, Taninthayi, Kachin),
Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;
simp-LOK-os or simp-LAW-kaws — from the Greek symploke (entertwined or inter-connected) … Dave’s Botanary
ko-chin-chin-EN-sis — of or from Cochinchina, an old name for Taiwan … Dave’s Botanary
law-REE-nuh — like the Laurel genus … Dave’s Botanary

Evergreen trees, to 15 m high, bark light grey, thin, smooth; blaze creamy white. Leaves simple, alternate, estipulate; petiole 6-15 mm, slender, glabrous, grooved above; lamina 5.5-15 x 2.5-6 cm, elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate or elliptic-oblong, base acute to attenuate, apex acute or acuminate, margin crenate-serrate, revolute, glabrous, yellow when dry, coriaceous or chartaceous; lateral nerves 7-8 pairs, pinnate, slender, glabrous; intercostae reticulate, faint. Flowers bisexual, white, in axillary simple or branched spikes, 7 cm long, pubescent; bracts solitary at the base of each pedicel; bracteoles early cauducous; calyx tube adnate to the ovary, lobes 5, minute, lobes 1 mm, triangular; corolla 1 cm across, lobes 5, ovate, 3 mm, recurved; stamens many, equal, arranged in 5 group; ovary 1 mm, inferior, globose 2-3-celled, ovules 2 in each cell, pendulous from the inner angle; style 5 mm, simple; stigma capitate. Fruit a drupe, 8 mm across, glabrous, ampulliform, globose ribbed, purple crowned by calyx lobes; seeds 1-3, oblong.

Flowering and fruiting: March-May
Evergreen, semi-evergreen and shola forests
Indo-Malesia and China

Evergreen Tree for identification 300813MK01 :  Attachments (7). 12 posts by 6 authors.
Please help me in identifying this tree found in evergreen forests of Nilgiris. Commonly seen with the height range of 10 – 20 metres high.
Leaf: up to 20 cm long
Flower: 1 cm across
Berry black when ripe
Local name: Boothakanni, Velladaai
Date: 17 August 2013
Place: Kothagiri, Nilgiris, TN
Alt.: 2000 m asl

Can be Symplocos sp.


Thanks for the lead … I am attaching the pictures of fruits.
9 images.

Is this tree Symplocos cochinchinensis?
refer: http://www.biotik.org/india/species/s/sympcola/sympcola_en.html

Symplocos racemosa Roxb.

it looks like Symplocos cochinchinensis ssp. laurina

I too think it is S.cochinchinensis ssp laurina

Fruits have major difference for Ovate shaped in Symplocos racemosa and round shaped in Symplocos cochinchinensis.

Thanks for your detailed inputs
That difference is well shown here the fruits are somewhat round and not elongated as in S. racemosa (http://www.biotik.org/india/species/s/symprace/).
Further the leaves also show some variations
see pictures of S. cochinchinensis @ http://www.biotik.org/india/species/s/sympcola/

The concluded identification is Symplocos cochinchinensis (Lour.) Moore subsp. laurina (Retz.) Nooteb.

Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina (Retz.) Noot (= S. spicata Roxb.),
small tree, wild in Nilgiri area at an altitude of 1700m

ANDEC24 Please identify this tree (1) : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).

Nelliyampathy, Kerala
November 2014

Can this be a Symplocos sp.?

Symplocos cochinchinensis (Lour.) Moore ssp. laurina (Retz.) Nooteb.

Symplocos sp.

The images are of Symplocos cochinchinensis (Lour.) Moore ssp. laurina (Retz.) Nooteb. (Symplocaceae).


While compiling names for Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina, I find various websites and reference books mentioning the common name as chunga OR changa. Most probably the name comes from Kannad language as mentioned in Digital Flora of Karnataka IISc.
I will be glad to know the valid name among the two ಚುಂಗ chunga OR ಚಂಗ changa.

Found ಚಂಗ (changa) mentioned in Kannad page of Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina at Biotik.
Thanks very much friends, comments / correction welcome.

I feel that its a matter of pronunciation and how you spell a particular name. Both sound the same from a distance. For example Dipika and Deepika…!

Yes …, I am in agreement with you on this example. Thank you very much. One of my friends gave me a similar example of rubber being spelled रब्बर and not as रुब्बर for my post in a FB group.
Thus, we have chang OR chang spelled as ಚಂಗ in Kannada.


NAMES OF PLANTS IN INDIA :: Marathi name for Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina : 2 posts by 1 author.
Please help validating the name मिरजोली for Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina (Retz.) Noot. … found mentioned on page 121 of PDF – महाराष्ट्रातील वनस्पतीशास्त्र आणि वनसंपदा written by Dr V N Naik, for the Maharashtra State Gazetteer Department.

… validated this name for Salvadora persica L. in response to my query in FB group Indian Flora. I am taking it as a name shared by Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina (Retz.) Noot.

via Species‎ > ‎S‎ > ‎
Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina (Retz.) Noot. … family: Symplocaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
simp-LOK-os or simp-LAW-kaws — from the Greek symploke (entertwined or inter-connected) … Dave’s Botanary
ko-chin-chin-EN-sis — of or from Cochinchina, an old name for Taiwan … Dave’s Botanary
law-REE-nuh — like the Laurel genus … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known aslaurel sapphire berry • Coorgiಮಂಜಟ್ಟೆ manjatte • Hindiभोलिया bholiyaसोध sodh • Kannadaಚಂಗ chang (OR chung), ಲೊಧ lodha • Lepchagyong,palyok-kung • Malayalamപാച്ചോറ്റി paccotti • Marathiमिरजोली mirajoli • Nepaliखोल्मे kholme • Sanskritलोध्र lodhra • Tamilகம்பளிவெட்டை kambli-vetti • Telugu:లొద్దుగు loddugu
botanical namesSymplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina (Retz.) Noot. … synonymsSymplocos laurina (Retz.) Wall. ex G. Don • Symplocos spicata Roxb. • Symplocos terminalis Brand … and more at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.

Thanks, …, for these wonderful compilations.

Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina :: Bisle Ghat :: 15 NOV 2016 :: DVDEC79 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
Bisle Ghat Karnataka
Date: 15 NOV 2016 … Altitude range: ~ 956 – 139 m (3136 – 456 ft) asl Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina (Retz.) Noot. … (family: Symplocaceae

Symplocos cochinchinensis subsp. laurina :: Galibeedu, Madikeri :: 24 FEB 2017 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 2 images.
Madikeri Coorg, KarnatakaDate: 24 FEB 2017 … Average elevation: ~ 1117 m (3667 ft) aslSymplocos cochinchinensis subsp. laurina (Retz.) Noot. … (family: Symplocaceae) 


Symplocos cochinchinensis subsp. laurina FOR VALIDATION :: Galibeedu, Madikeri :: 23 FEB 2017 : 8 posts by 3 authors. 4 images. Madikeri Coorg, Karnataka. Date: 23 FEB 2017 … Average elevation: ~ 1117 m (3667 ft) asl. Symplocos cochinchinensis subsp. laurina (Retz.) Noot. … (family: Symplocaceae) 

efi page on Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina 

Appear similar to your images at  Symplocos cochinchinensis subsp. laurina :: Galibeedu, Madikeri :: 24 FEB 2017

Symplocos cochinchinensis ssp laurina

Posting a photo for Id of flower.
Date / Time – 21st Aug. 2010 / 04.00 pm.
Location – Place /Altitude / GPS – Amboli, Maharashtra
Habitat – Garden/ Urban/ Wild / Type – Wild
Plant Habit – Tree/Shrub / Climber /Herb – Shrub

Symplocos cochinchinensis

I think it is Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina rather than Symplocos cochinchinensis subsp. cochinchinensis as per images, details and references herein.

ANAUG56 Tree for ID- Croton sp.? :  4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Found in Thadiandamol, Western Ghats
30th August 2014

Identified as Symplocos cochinchinensis by …

yes it is the correct ID

I think it is Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina rather than Symplocos cochinchinensis subsp. cochinchinensis as per images, details and references herein.

These images at Flora of Peninsular India are of Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina rather than Symplocos cochinchinensis subsp. cochinchinensis as per images, details and references herein.
Pl. correct.

Thanks, …,
Pl. see keys in Flora of China.
Branchlets and leaf blades abaxially red brown pubescent to tomentose, especially on veins in subsp. cochinchinensis. It is not the case here.

MS Nov.,2018/13 Symplocos sp. for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Ailawng, Mizoram
Date : 10-11-2018
Habit : Middle-sized tree
Habitat : Wild

Symplocos cochinchinensis (Lour.) S.Moore ??

Pl. check images at Symplocos cochinchinensis

I am not sure.

I think it is Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina as per images, details and references herein.

MS Nov. 2018/12 Symplocos sp. for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Ailawng, Mizoram
Altitude : ca. 1,100 m.
Date : 27-10-2018
Habit : Middle-sized tree
Habit : Wild

Symplocos cochinchinensis (Lour.) S.Moore ??

Pl. check images at Symplocos cochinchinensis

I am not sure

I think it is Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina as per images, details and references herein.





Shrub for ID from Katlekan- PKA-Nov-02 : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (6)

Seen this small tree/Shub at Katlekan (North Karnataka).
Could this be some Symplocos sp..
Requesting ID..

Symplocos species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) 

it is a Symplocos racemosa Roxb.

looks like Symplocos cochinchinensis

efi page on Symplocos racemosa  Symplocos racemosa

Symplocos cochinchinensis

Symplocos cochinchinensis-  has leaves are larger size and ovate shape

I take this opportunity and once again request you to kindly send me a PDF of your following publication for our reference:
Friesodielsia sahyadrica N. V. Page & Surueshw. in Phytotaxa 158: 278, ff, 3 – 4. 2014.

I do not find any record of Symplocos cochinchinensis from Karnataka so far. I have gone through the key to the species available with me and it leads on to S. racemosa.

Thank you for your email. You can just call me … as I haven’t yet got my Doctorate degree.
Please find attached a copy of my Friesodielsia paper.
Please follow this link for a list of all the floras that have recorded this species for Karnataka.
Attachments (1)- Page and Surveswaran_2014_Phytotaxa- 3 MB  

Thank you very much …, Phytotaxa does not give free access to its readers.
I am interested in Indian Annonaceae and at the same time we have to include this first generic report  for the Flora of Karnataka. I got your reference from the publication of Ian Turner in Nordic Journal of Botany 33: 257 – 299. 2015.

Link given by … shows Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina
So is it Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina (with images) ?


Tree from Periyar NSD -4 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 image
inspired with identification skill of … for the flora of Western Ghat, i am sending some more plant to be identified from here,
Please id this tree sp form Periyar

Could be a Pyrus species – some kind of Pear.

This is without any doubt one of the species of Symplocos belongs to Symplocaceae. I am afraid to come to the species. If you could spare a flowering snap it could be facilitating its identification.

May come out to be Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina (Retz.) Noot. as per ANAUG56 Tree for ID- Croton sp.?

Tree for ID : Mahabaleshwar : 100712 : AK-2: A small tree growing wild in Mahabaleshwar on 30/11/09.
Tender leaves red in color.
No flowers or fruits when picture was taken.
Id please.

This may not be Elaeocarpus serratus.
This could be a species of Symplocos, probably S. cochinchinensis

I too think that this is some species of Symplocos.


Amboli, MH :: Shrub with white flowers for ID :: ARK2021-095: 5 images.
This was seen at Amboli hill station, MH in Aug 2021. It was shrub like.
Requested to please provide ID.

This appears to be a Symplocos sp. [Symplocaceae].

Symplocos looks good !

Please see this http://flora-peninsula-indica.ces.iisc.ac.in/gallery_family_species.php?name=SYMPLOCACEAE !

Would it be Symplocos cochinchinensia var laurina.

Yes, appears close as per images and details at Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina


314 ID wild tree: 22 high res. images.
Please ID wild tree,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 04.05.2022, 09.30am
Habitat: wild, moisture, shady
Plant habit: tree, erect, branches, hard woody stem 30 inches base circumference, rough bark, violet young shoots, long lasting
Height: 09 meters
Leaves: alternate, ovate, oblong, acute, glossy, simple, serrated margins, size up to:12×7cm
Flower: axillary racemose, clustered, diameter:10mm, white, good fragrance
Fruit: berry, globular, green, diameter:07mm
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +rr

May be from Myrtaceae.

Symplocos wynadense (Kuntze) Noot. ?

Thank you very much for ID my plant, dear …
My plant is more close to Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina, name including my region ‘Cochin’ also, identified by …,