Acalypha supera Forssk. as per Flora of India (2012) & Flora of China;



EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT : RVS-3 : 3 images. 6 posts by 4 authors.

Acalypha sp.
Collected from: Shimla, HP.

Please ID this plant…

This species is Acalypha superba Forssk.
The long leafy bracts of female flowers and the long petioles are its characteristic features.

This species is distributed from Africa through South Asia to South East Asia. In India it is found from W. Himalayas to Peninsular India.

We are sorry for the mistake, which Miss Susila Rani, Research Scholar did. The correct spelling will be Acalypha supera.

Thanks a lot …, for the ID as well as info on distribution.

Yes the correct spelling of the specific epithet should be supera not superba !


Species Id requested: Urticaceae; Mudumalai, Nilgiris, TN: 4 images.

Moist semi-evergreen forests, Nellakkotta, Nilgiris, TN
September 2019

This was confirmed as Acalypha brachystachya (Euphorbiaceae) by a friend of mine.
If possible revisit Ji, I think that’s the solution,

Thanks, …, for id as Acalypha brachystachya.

A very good find.
Id looks correct as per images and details at A.superba and as per GBIF specimens- onetwo and three.