Panicum miliaceum L., Sp. Pl. 58 1753. (Syn: Leptoloma miliacea (L.) Smyth; Milium esculentum Moench [Illegitimate]; Milium panicum Mill. [Illegitimate]; Panicum asperrimum Fisch.; Panicum asperrimum Fischer ex Jacq.; Panicum densepilosum Steud.; Panicum miliaceum var. aerugineum Krassavin & Uljanova …………; Panicum milium Pers. [Illegitimate]; Panicum ruderale (Kitag.) D.M.Chang; Panicum spontaneum Zhuk. [Invalid]) ; . Indian Subcontinent to Myanmar: Bangladesh, East Himalaya, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, West Himalaya; Introduced into: Afghanistan, Alabama, Albania, Alberta, Altay, Amur, Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Arizona, Austria, Baleares, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, Bermuda, Botswana, Brazil North, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, British Columbia, Bulgaria, Buryatiya, California, Cameroon, Canary Is., Caroline Is., Central European Rus, Chatham Is., China South-Central, China Southeast, Chita, Colombia, Colorado, Comoros, Connecticut, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Delaware, District of Columbia, Dominican Republic, East European Russia, Egypt, Florida, France, French Guiana, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Gulf States, Guyana, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, Hungary, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Inner Mongolia, Iowa, Iran, Iraq, Irkutsk, Italy, Japan, Kansas, Kazakhstan, Kentucky, Khabarovsk, Kirgizstan, Korea, Krym, Lebanon-Syria, Leeward Is., Lesotho, Libya, Louisiana, Madagascar, Madeira, Maine, Manitoba, Marianas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mauritius, Mexico Central, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southwest, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Mongolia, Montana, Morocco, Nansei-shoto, Nebraska, Nevada, New Brunswick, New Caledonia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, New Zealand North, New Zealand South, Newfoundland, North Carolina, North Caucasus, North Dakota, North European Russi, Northern Provinces, Northwest European R, Nova Scotia, Ohio, Oman, Ontario, Oregon, Palestine, Pennsylvania, Philippines, Poland, Primorye, Prince Edward I., Puerto Rico, Québec, Rhode I., Romania, Sardegna, Saskatchewan, Saudi Arabia, South Dakota, South European Russi, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tadzhikistan, Tasmania, Tennessee, Texas, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Turkmenistan, Tuva, Ukraine, Uruguay, Utah, Uzbekistan, Vermont, Vietnam, Virginia, Washington, West Siberia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Yakutskiya, Yemen, Yugoslavia as per POWO; . I have collected this grass sp. From wetland of Bayad, Aravalli, Gujarat. Please help me to identify. Look like Urochloa species. Need more photos for confirmation. I have collected this grass sp. From wetland of Bayad, Aravalli, Gujarat. Panicum sp., probably wild Panicum miliaceum (cultivated forms are much different) Panicum miliaceum is larger grass whereas this plant are too tiny about 15-20cm height. Panicle about 5-8cm long. Leaf blade is glabrous, only lower margin of leaf blade have hair on them around 5mm long. Is it possible to Panicum curvifolium ?? Urochloa ?? Urochloa have sessile spikelet. May be this is panicum sp. But which one is hard to know. In our state flora its similar to Panicum curvifolium. Is it possible???? Is it short because of grazing by buffaloes or goats? It is closest to wild forms of P.miliaceum (the cultivated forms are much different in size and other characters). P.curvifolium is entirely different. It would be better to protect from grazing or grow ex-situ so that it can attain and observed in its full form. Will try for ex-situ for proper identification. . Sc. Name for Varai, a millet crop : 6 posts by 5 authors. Its common name in Vidarbha region is Bhagar. Could this be Echinochloa Colonum ?? Kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum) is called as ‘Varaku’ / ‘Varagu’ in Tamil. according to my records I think … is correct in saying it is Echinochloa colonum Thanks … for responding. I had all these names popping up. Apparently there seem to be several millets grown in different regions. I was looking for the one grown in north-west Maharashtra. BSI flora and T. Cooke’s flora give Echinochloa colona as a weed and not as a crop. Varai, Bhagar or Nagli are not linked to any sc, name in any flora. A specimen alone may solve this confusion. |
Panicum miliaceum ?
Updated on December 24, 2024