Huernia keniensis R.E.Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 9: 79 1927. ;

by Aarti S Khale (Id by Dan Rhoads & J.M.Garg) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details,
click on the links) 



Caralluma species seen at the Flower Show in Mumbai on 16/2/14.

Species id please.


sorry this is not stapelia

i think this is Caralluma stalagnifera 

don’t think it is a Caralluma probably Huernia keniensis

It looks like a Huernia to me …,

But I do not know the species in that genus to tell you which it is.

Thanks to you and John for the follow up and id.
… choice of Huernia keniensis seems the right one to me.

On further searching, this seems to be Huernia pillansii.
Kindly check the link

It seems to match with Huernia keniensis rather than Huernia pillansii

Thanks a lot. I take the final id as Huernia keniensis?


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 GRIN  Dave’s Garden